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All References with Titles containing 'Doepfner_W' OR with Authors including 'Doepfner_W' OR with Abstract including 'Doepfner_W' OR with Keywords including 'Doepfner_W'

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Cerletti A, Doepfner W Ueber die 5-oxytryptamin-hemmende Wirkung von LSD-Derivaten und andern... XXe Congrès Internat... 1956
Cerletti A, Doepfner W Comparative Study of the Serotonin Antagonism of Amide Derivatives of ... J. of Pharm. & Exper... 1958
Cerletti A, Doepfner W Comparative study on the serotonin antagonism of amide derivatives of ... J. Pharmacol. Exper.... 1958
Doepfner W, Cerletti A Comparison of lysergic acid derivatives and antihistamines as inhibito... Int. Arch. Allergy 1958
Cerletti A, Doepfner W Spezifische Steigerung der serotoninantagonistischen Wirkung von Lyser... Helvet. physiol. pha... 1958
Cerletti A, Doepfner W Spzifische Steigerung der Serotoninantagonistischen Wirkung von Lyserg... Helv. Pysiol. Acta 1958
Doepfner W, Cerletti A Comparison of Lysergic Acid Derivatives and Antihistamines as Inhibito... Int. Arch. Allergy 1958
Berde B, Doepfner W, Cerl... Ueber die Wirkungsdauer einiger Serotoninantagonisten. Helvet. physiol.phar... 1960
Berrie B, Doepfner W, Cer... Uber die Wirkungsdauer einiger Serotoninantagonisten Helv. Pysiol. Acta 1960
Fanchamps A, Doepfner W, ... Pharmakologische Charakterisierung von Deseril, einem Serotonin-Antago... Schweiz. Med. Wschr. 1960
Doepfner W Biochemical observations on LSD-25 and Deseril Experientia 1962