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All References with Authors including 'Fontanari_D'

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Balestrieri A, Fontanari ... Prime esperienze con LSD 25 nell'epilessia "psicomotoria" Atti Ist. Veneto Sci... 1956
Balestrieri A, Fontanari ... Psicopatologia della crisi epilettica e LSD 25 Rass. neurol. vegeta... 1957
Balestrieri A, Fontanari ... LSD 25 and psychomotor epilepsy 1st International Co... 1957
Balestrieri A, Fontanari ... Acquired and crossed tolerance to mescaline, LSD-25, and BOL-148 Arch.Gen.Psychiat. 1959
Balestieri A, Fontanari D Acquired and crossed tolerance to mescaline, LSD-25, and BOL-148 Neuro-Psychopharmaco... 1959