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All References with Titles containing 'Goiny_M' OR with Authors including 'Goiny_M' OR with Abstract including 'Goiny_M' OR with Keywords including 'Goiny_M'

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Fillion G, Fillion MP, Ro... Liaisons de haute affinite de la 5 hydroxytryptamine (5 HT) sur diverg... CR Acad. Sci. 1977
Fillion G, Goiny M, Fill... Influence d'ions et de divers reactifs des proteins sur les liaisons d... J.Pharmacol. 1978
Fillion G, Fillion MP, Go... Au sujet des interactions du Propranolol et des récepteurs de la 5-hyd... J.Pharmacol. 1978
Fillion G, Rousselle JC, ... Serotonin Sensitive Adenylate Cyclase In Horse Brain Synaptosomal Memb... Life Sciences 1979
Kehr J, Ichinose F, Yoshi... Mephedrone, compared to MDMA (ecstasy) and amphetamine, rapidly increa... Br J Pharmacol 2011