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All References with Titles containing 'Green_M' OR with Authors including 'Green_M' OR with Abstract including 'Green_M' OR with Keywords including 'Green_M'

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Aldous FAB, Barrass BC, B... Structure-activity relations in psychotomimetic phenylalkylamines The Journal of Medic... 1974
Emboden WA The mushroom and the water lily: literary and pictorial evidence for N... J Ethnopharmacol 1982
Pimentel LA, Correa FR, G... Mimosa tenuiflora as a cause of malformations in ruminants in the nort... Vet Pathol 2007
Cifelli CJ, Green JB, Wan... Kinetic analysis shows that vitamin A disposal rate in humans is posit... J Nutr 2008