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All References with Titles containing 'Gustafsson_JA' OR with Authors including 'Gustafsson_JA' OR with Abstract including 'Gustafsson_JA' OR with Keywords including 'Gustafsson_JA'

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Fuxe K, Ogren SO, Agnati ... 5,7-Dihydroxytryptamine as a Tool to Study the Functional Role of Cent... Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci. 1978
Fuxe K, Fredhaolm BB, Agn... Interaction of ergot drugs with central monamine system. Evidence for ... Pharmacology 1978
Skett P, Mode A, Eneroth ... The Effect Of Various Centrally-acting Drugs On Hepatic Steroid Metabo... Biochemical Pharmaco... 1979