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All References with Titles containing 'Haigler_HJ' OR with Authors including 'Haigler_HJ' OR with Abstract including 'Haigler_HJ' OR with Keywords including 'Haigler_HJ'

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Aghajanian GK, Haigler HJ... Lysergic Acid Diethylamide And Serotonin: Direct Actions On Serotonin-... Life Sci 1972
Haigler HJ, Aghajanian GK Serotonin-containing neurons in rat brain: effects of microintophoreti... Fed. Proc. 1972
Haigler HJ, Aghajanian GK A comparison of effects of D-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and sero... Fed Proc 1973
Haigler HJ, Aghajanian GK Mescaline and LSD: direct and indirect effects on serotonin-containing... Europ. J. Pharmacol. 1973
Haigler HJ, Aghajanian GK Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Serotonin: A-Comparison of Effects on S... J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther... 1974
Aghajanian GK, Haigler HJ Mode of Action of LSD on Serotonergic Neurons Advanc Bioche Psycho... 1974
Haigler HJ, Spring DD Drugs that Antagonize Limb Flick Behavior Induced by D-Lysergic Acid D... Psychopharmacology 1979