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All References with Titles containing 'Henkin_R' OR with Authors including 'Henkin_R' OR with Abstract including 'Henkin_R' OR with Keywords including 'Henkin_R'

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Henkin R, Buchsbaum M, We... Physiological and psychological effects of LSD in chronic users Clin. Res. 1967
Meltzer H, Pahnka W, Kurl... Serum CPK and aldolase activity in man following controlled administra... Psychopharmacol (Ber... 1970
Henkin R On the physiological mechanism of sensory changes produced with LSD-25 J. Clin. Invest. 1970
Henkin RI, Stillman IS, G... Ineffectiveness of Lysergic Acid Diethyl Amide-25 (LSD) on Altering Na... Experientia (Basel) 1974