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All References with Titles containing 'Hetey_L' OR with Authors including 'Hetey_L' OR with Abstract including 'Hetey_L' OR with Keywords including 'Hetey_L'

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Hetey L, Quiring K, Misse... Bestimmung unterschiedlicher Parameter des cerebralen Dopamin- und Ser... Zbl.Pharm.Pharmakoth... 1980
Hetey L, Quiring K Synaptosomal uptake and release of dopamine and 5-hydroxy-tryptamine i... Acta biol. med. germ... 1980
Oelsner W, Fink H, Hetey ... Action of antipsychotics on LSD-induced neurochemical and behavioral e... Adv. Pharmacol. Ther... 1981
Hetey L, Schwitzkowsky R,... Influence Of Psychotomimetics And Lisuride On Synaptosomal Dopamine Re... European Journal of ... 1983