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All References with Titles containing 'Kamata_T' OR with Authors including 'Kamata_T' OR with Abstract including 'Kamata_T' OR with Keywords including 'Kamata_T'

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Tanaka E, Kamata T, Katag... A fatal poisoning with 5-methoxy-N,N-diisopropyltryptamine, Foxy Forensic Sci Int 2006
Kamata HT, Shima N, Zaits... Metabolism of the recently encountered designer drug, methylone, in hu... Xenobiotica 2006
Zaitsu K, Katagi M, Kamat... Determination of the metabolites of the new designer drugs bk-MBDB and... Forensic Sci Int 2009
Zaitsu K, Katagi M, Hiroe... Simultaneous analysis of six novel hallucinogenictetrahydrobenzodifura... Forensic Toxicol 2010