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All References with Titles containing 'Kornetsky_C' OR with Authors including 'Kornetsky_C' OR with Abstract including 'Kornetsky_C' OR with Keywords including 'Kornetsky_C'

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Abramson HA, Evans LT, Ge... Bioassays for LSD-25 Annual Rep. Biol. La... 1954
Abramson HA, Jarvik ME, K... Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): I. Physiological and perceptual r... J. Psychol. 1955
Abramson HA, Kornetsky C,... Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): XI. Content analysis of clinical ... J. Psychol. 1955
Levine A, Abramson HA, Ka... Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): XIV. Effect on personality as obs... J. Psychol. 1955
Abramson HA, Waxenberg SE... Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): XIII. Effect on Bender-Gestalt te... J. Psychol. 1955
Evans LT, Geronimus LH, K... Effect of ergot drugs on Betta splendens Science 1956
Sokoloff L, Perlin S, Kor... Effects of lysergic acid diethylamide on cerebral circulation and meta... Fed. Proc. 1956
Sjoerdsma A, Kornetsky C,... Lysergic acid diethylamide in patients with excess serotonin Arch. Neurol. Psychi... 1956
Kornetsky C, Humphries O,... Comparison of psychological effects of certain centrally acting drugs ... Arch. Neurol. Psychi... 1957
Kornetsky C, Humphries O Relationship between effects of a number of centrally acting drugs and... Arch. Neurol. Psychi... 1957
Sokoloff L, Perlin S, Kor... The effects of d-lysergic acid diethylamide on cerebral circulation an... Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sc. 1957
Kornetsky C Relation of physiological and psychological effects of lysergic acid d... Arch. Neruol. Psychi... 1957
Mirsky AF, Kornetsky C On the dissimilar effects of drugs on the Digit Symbol Substitution an... Psychopharmacologia 1964
Hubner CB, Bird M, Rassni... The threshold lowering effects of MDMA (ecstasy) on brain-stimulation ... Psychopharmacology (... 1988