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Condrau G Klinische Erfahrungen an Geisteskranken mit Lysergsäure-diäthylamid Acta psychiat. et ne... 1949
Ginzel KH Die Wirkung von d-Lysergsäurediäthylamid (LSD) auf Kreislaufreflexe. Arch. exper. Path. P... 1956
Krivov WA The preservation of substance P by lysergic acid diethylamide Brit. J. Pharmacol. 1957
Winkel K Ueber die Wirkung von LSD 25 auf fokale Krampfpotentiale der Hirnrinde... Arch. exper. Path. P... 1957
Yui T, Takeo Y Neuropharmacological studies on a new series of ergot alkaloids. Elym... Jap. J. Pharmacol. 1958
Weidmann H, Cerletti A Weiterer Beitrag zur Pharmakologie von D-Lysergsäure-diäthylamid: Die... Helvet. physiol. et ... 1958
Vinar O Analogien zwischen schizophrenen Erkrankungen und der LSD-Psychose. Psychiatrie 1958
Winkel K Ueber die Wirkung von Lysergsäurediäthylamid auf fokale Krampfpotentia... Pflügers Arch.Phy... 1958
Birkmayer W, Neumayer E Der klinische Aspekt des reticulären Systems. Mehrdimensionale Dia... 1958
Krus DM, Wapner S Effect of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) on perception of part-wh... J.Psychol. 1959
Wapner S, Krus DM Behavioral effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25). Space loca... A.M.A.Arch.Gen.Psych... 1959
Wapner S, Krus DM Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, and Differences Between Normals... J.Neuropsychiat. 1960
Jovanovic D, Kandic B, Kr... Neka nasa iskustva u lecenju dusevnih bolesnika dietilamidom lizergicn... Vojno-sanit.Pregl. 1960
Jovanovic D, Kandic B, Kr... Prilog ispitivanju dejstva LSD-25 u eksperimentu na psima Vojnosanit. Pregl. 1960
Jovanovic D, Kandic B, Kr... O nekim aspektima primene LSD-25 u nasoj Klinickoj psihijatrijsdkoj pr... Vojnosanit. Pregl. 1960
Monnier M, Krupp P Classification électro-physiologique des stimulants du système nerveux... Arch. Int. Pharmacod... 1960
Krill AE, Wieland AM, Ost... The effect of two hallucinogenic agents on human retinal function AMA Arch. Ophth. 1960
Rolo A, Krinsky LW, Goldf... LSD as an Adjunct to Psychotherapy with Alcoholics J.Psychol. 1960
Bergen JR, Krus D, Pincus... Suppression of LSD-25 effects in rats by steroids Proc. Soc. exp. Biol... 1960
TRUITT EB, CALLAWAY E, BR... The pharmacology of myristicin: a contribution to the psychopharmacolo... J Neuropsychiatr 1961
Krivoy WA Potentiation of substance P by lysergic acid diethylamide in vivo Brit.J.Pharmaco. 1961
Krus DM, Wapner S, Bergen... The influence of progesterone on behavioral changes induced by lysergi... Psychopharmacologia 1961
Pierce J Zur Wirkung von Atarax auf die LSD-Modellpsychose Praxis 1961
Brücke F, Gogolak G, Stum... Die Wirkung von LSD auf die Makro- und Mikrotätigkeit des Hippocampus ... Arch.exp.Path.Pharma... 1961
Andersen H, Kristensen KK... LSD-behandling. Psykoterapi ved hjealp af lysergsyre-diaetyl-amid Ugeskr. Laeg. 1961
Withe S, Schricher K T, S... Mikroskopische Befunde uber die Blutstillung bei Serotonin-asschaltung Thromb. Diath. hem 1961
Krawczynski J The influence of serotonin, d-lysergic acid diethylamide and 2-brom-LS... J. Neurochem. 1961
Hertle F, Zipf KE, Brogha... Beobachtungen über Stoffwechselverhalten, Muskeltonus und einige Kreis... Arch. Psychiat. Nerv... 1962
DC Kroeger, W Krivoy The interaction between chlorpromazine and bradykinin Pharmacologist 1962
Kirkegaard A, Linnemann E... LSD-behandling. Et ars erfaring. Nord. psykiat. T. 1962
Kristensen K LSD-behandling kombineret med parenteral Ritalinbehandling. Nord. psykiat. T. 1962
Grin E, Salamon T, Stern-... Uber die Behandlung einiger Erkrankungen aus dem Formenkreis der Skler... Arch. Klin. exper. D... 1963
Chessick RD, Kronholm J, ... Effect of Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) and other drugs on tropi... J. nerv. ment. Dis. 1963
Krivoy W, Kroeger D The neurogenic activity of high potency substance P Experientia 1963
Krnjevic K, Phillis JW Actions of certain amines on cerebral cortical neurones Brit. J. Pharmacol. 1963
Necina J, Krejci I The role of biogenic amines in the development of some experimental ga... Arch. int. Pharmacod... 1963
Krill AE, Alpert HJ, Ostf... Effects of a hallucinogenic agent in totally blind subjects Arch. Ophthal. 1963
Krus DM, Wapner S, Freema... Differential behavioral responsivity to LSD 25. Study in normal and s... Arch. gen. Psychiat. 1963
Krivoy W A, Lane M, Kroeg... The Actions of Certain Polypeptides on Synaptic Transmission Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci... 1963
David J, Capek R, Unna KR Effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine and related substances on related subst... Biochem. Pharmacol. 1963
Kristensen KK L.S.D. treatment in a Copenhagen department of admissions Acta psychiat. scand... 1963
Kristensen KK Kliniske erfaringer med psilocybin Nord. psykiat. T. 1963
Resnick O, Krus DM, Raski... Reversal of LSD-25 Action by chronic pretreatment with Marplan in Hum... Fed. Proc. 1964
Varagic V, Krstic M, Miha... The effect of psychopharmacological agents on the hypertensive respons... Int. J. Neuropharmac... 1964
Chessick RD, Kronholm J, ... Effect of pretreatment with tryptamine, tryptophan and DOPA on LSD rea... Psychopharmacologia 1964
Geert-Jörgensen E, Hertz ... LSD-treatment. Experience gained within a three-year period Acta Psychiat. Scand... 1964
Hoffmeister F, Kreiskott ... Untersuchungen mit zentral wirksamen Anticholinergica Arzneimittel-Forsch. 1964
Resnick O, Krus DM, Raski... LSD-25 Action in Normal Subjects Treated with a Monoamine Oxidase Inhi... Life Sci. 1964
Dubanský B, Vyhnánková M,... Versuchsapplikation von Psilocybin bei organischen Hirnschidigungen II... Acta Univ. Palackian... 1964
A Rolo, LW Krinsky, HA Ab... Preliminary Method for Study of LSD with children Int. J. Neuropsychia... 1965
Resnick O, Krus DM, Raski... Accentuation of the Psychological Effects of LSD in Normal Subjects Tr... Life Sci. 1965
Eugster CH, Mueller GFR, ... Wirkstoffe aus Amanita Muscaria: Ibotensaure und Muscazon Tetrahedron Letters 1965
Keeler MH, Doehne EF 3rd Consistency of Psilocybin Induced Changes in the Minnesota Multiphasic... J Clin Psychol 1965
Krus DM, Resnick O, Raski... Apparent Eye Level Test; Its Background and Use in Psychopharmacology Arch. Gen. Psychiat. 1966
Resnick O, Krus DM, Raski... LSD-25. Drug interactions in man Excerpta Medica, Int... 1966
Rolo A, Krinsky LW, Goldf... Multitherapist interview utilizing LSD 2nd International Co... 1967
Rolo A, Krinsky LW, Goldf... Preliminary study of LSD with children 2nd International Co... 1967
Taus L Psychoterapie exhibicionistu pomoci lysergamidu spofa Activ.nerv.sup (Prag... 1967
Vojtéchovský M, Krus D, K... The influence of tryptophane and 5-HTP pretreatment on experimental ps... Active.nerv.sup (Pra... 1967
Krus DM, Bergen JR, Resni... Inhibitory effects of steroides on LSD-25 action in man Life Sci 1967
Nielsen J, Friedrich U, J... LSD og kromosomabnormiteter Ugeskr Laeg 1968
Tauberger G, Klimmer OR Die Wirkung hoher Dosen von d-Lysergsäurediäthylamid auf die Atmung, d... Arzneimittel-Forsch. 1968
Kruskal WH, Haberman S Chromosomal effect and LSD: samples of four Science 1968
Gessner PK, Godse DD, Kru... Structure-Activity Relationships Among 5-Methoxy-N,N-Dimethyltryptamin... Life Sci 1968
Hollister LE, Shelton J, ... A controlled comparison of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and dextro... Amer. J. Psychiat. 1969
Borenstein P, Cujo P, Kra... A propos de certains aspects électroencéphalographiques de l'action de... Sem. Hop. 1969
Philip J, Rafaelsen OJ, S... Lysergid (LSD) og kromosomer Nord. Med. 1969
Skakkebaek WE, Philip J, ... Lysergidforarsagede aendringer i meiosekromosomer hos mus . Dansk Psy... Nord. Med. 1969
Idänpään-Heikkilä JE LSD: n vaikutus kromosomeihin ja sikiöön Duodecim 1969
Editorial LSD-Trip als Psychotherapeutikum für Krebskranke und Alkoholiker angew... Med. Trib. 1969
Neuhoff V, Wörner I, Fröl... Mikro-Disk-elektrophoretische Analyse der löslichen Proteine aus subze... Hoppe-Seylers Z. Phy... 1969
Schildkraut JJ, Schanberg... Effects of psychoactive drugs on the metabolism of intracisternally ad... Biochem. Pharmacol. 1969
Krivoy WA Use of bioelectric potentials for screening drugs Psychopharmacol. Ser... 1969
Hruza V, Kratochvíl S, Fa... LSD intoxikace a zmena postoju Cs. Psychiat. 1969
Skakkebaek NE, Philiop J,... LSD - Forårsagede aendringer i meiose-kromosomer hos mus Nord. Psykiat. T. 1969
Cottrell GA Direct postsynaptic responses to stimulation of serotonin-containing n... Nature 1970
Retterstøl N Hva vet vi i dag om LSD's virkning pa kromosomer og om stoffets terato... T. Norske Laegeforen... 1970
Matthies H, Schmidt J, Kr... Die Beeinflussung der Wirkung von Serotonin und Noradrenalin, auf eine... 1971
Heimann H Psychopharmakologie und Verhalten Fortibildungskurse d... 1971
Skakkebaek NE LSD's virkning pa kromosomer Ugeskr. Laeg. 1971
Datta RK, Ghosh JJ Mescaline-induced changes of brain cortex ribosomes Effect of mescalin... Brain Res 1971
AssmusH, Reimer FÀ Akzidentelle LSD-Intoxikation bei drei Geschwistern im Kindesalter mit... Prax.Kinderheilk. 1972
Rockwell A LSD und Sozialisation Behav Neurapsychiat 1972
Scholz H Uber die Wirkung von "Rauschmitteln" unter pharmakologischen Gesichtsp... Tägl Prax 1972
Lapin IP, Oxenkrug GF, Az... Involvement of brain serotonin in the stimulant action of amphetamine ... Arch. int. Pharmacod... 1972
Pöldinger W Zur Pharmakotherapie depressiver und ängstlicher Verstimmungszustände Osterreichische Apot... 1973
Krendal F P. Kudrin N Comparative Investigation of the Antipsychotic Action of some Neurolep... Zh.Nevropatol.Psikhi... 1973
Scholz H Ueber die Wirkung von 'Rauschmittein' unter pharmakologischen Gesichts... Tägl. Prax. 1973
Wallis DI, Woodward B The depolarizing action of 5-hydroxytryptamine on sympathetic ganglion... Brit..Pharmacol. 1973
Daunderer M Akute Intoxikationen (25): Rausch- und Suchtmittel VII Beilage zur Med. Kli... 1973
Lohr KR The community pharmacist and a street drug analysis program J Am Pharm Assoc 1973
Gillespie JS, McGrath JC The Response of The Cat inococaygeus Muscle to Nerve or Drug Stimulati... Brit.J.Pharmacol. 1974
Wartmann RP Malerei aus Bereichen : des UnbewuBten Künstler experimentieren unter LSD Redaktion: Claus... 1974
Krsiak M Isolation-induced Timidity In Mice As A Measure Of Anxiolytic Activity... J. Pharmacol. 1974
Nathanson IA, Greengard P Serotonin-sensitive Adenylate Cyclase in Neural Tissue and Its Similar... Proc Natl Acad Sci 1974
Holsten F Flashbacks - Senreaksjoner Etter Bruk Av LSD Of Cannabis Hos 78 Stoff... T. norske Laegeforen... 1974
Janzik HH, Kroenert K, Gu... Hormonal Evaluation in Young Drug Addicts J.Pharmacol. 1974
Abdel AA, Bakry N Effect of Choroquine Phosphate on the Isolated Non-Pregnant and Pregna... Acta Physiol.Acad.Sc... 1974
Rao KR, Fingerman M Color Changes Induced by Certain Indole Alkaloids in the Fiddler Crab,... Comp. Biochem. Physi... 1975
Kuhnert Brandstätter M, K... Thermomikroskopische Identifizierung von Suchtgiften Pharm.Acta Helv. 1975

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