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All References with Titles containing 'Lebovits_BZ' OR with Authors including 'Lebovits_BZ' OR with Abstract including 'Lebovits_BZ' OR with Keywords including 'Lebovits_BZ'

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Ostfeld AM, Visotsky HM, ... A comparison of the psychotomimetic effects of scopolamine, lysergic a... Clin. Res. 1958
Lebovits BZ, Visotsky HM,... LSD and JB-318: A comparison of two hallucinogens. I. An explorator... A.M.A. Arch. gen. Ps... 1960
Lebovits BZ, Visotsky HM,... Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and JB-318: A comparison of two hall... A.M.A.Arch.Gen.Psych... 1960
Lebovits BZ, Visotsky HM,... LSD and JB 318: A comparison of two hallucinogens. III. Qualitative an... Arch. gen. Psychiat. 1962