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All References with Titles containing 'Lin_HQ' OR with Authors including 'Lin_HQ' OR with Abstract including 'Lin_HQ' OR with Keywords including 'Lin_HQ'

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Lin HQ, Atrens DM, Christ... Comparison of conditioned taste aversions produced by MDMA and d-amphe... Pharmacol Biochem Be... 1993
Lin HQ, McGregor IS, Atre... Contrasting effects of dopaminergic blockade on MDMA and d-amphetamine... Pharmacol Biochem Be... 1994
Lin HQ, Jackson DM, Atren... Serotonergic modulation of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)-el... Brain Res 1997
Lin HQ, Burden PM, Christ... The anxiogenic-like and anxiolytic-like effects of MDMA on mice in the... Pharmacol Biochem Be... 1999