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All References with Titles containing 'Schwab_M' OR with Authors including 'Schwab_M' OR with Abstract including 'Schwab_M' OR with Keywords including 'Schwab_M'

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Schwab M, Seyringer E, Br... Fatal MDMA intoxication Lancet 1999
Kreth KP,Kovar KA, Schwab... Identification of the Human Cytochromes P450 Involved in the Oxidative... Biochem Pharmacol 2000
Spitzer M, Franke B, Walt... Enantio-selective cognitive and brain activation effects of N-ethyl-3,... Neuropharmacology 2001
Buechler J, Schwab M, Mik... Enantioselective quantitation of the ecstasy compound R- and S-N-ethyl... J Chromatogr B Analy... 2003