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All References with Authors including 'Segura_M'

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Segura M, Ortuno J, Farre... 3,4-Dihydroxymethamphetamine (HHMA). A Major in Vivo 3,4- methylenedio... Chemical Research in... 2001
Farré M, Roset PN, de la ... Interaction of Paroxetine and MDMA in humans College on Problems... 2002
Pacifici R, Pichini S, Zu... Paroxetine Inhibits Acute Effects of MDMA on the Immune System in Huma... J Pharmacol Exp Ther 2004
de la Torre R, Farre M, R... Human pharmacology of MDMA: pharmacokinetics, metabolism, and disposit... Ther Drug Monit 2004
Escobedo I, O'Shea E, Ori... A comparative study on the acute and long-term effects of MDMA and 3,4... Br J Pharmacol 2005
Segura M, Farre M, Pichin... Contribution of cytochrome P450 2D6 to 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetami... Clin Pharmacokinet 2005
de la Torre R, Farre M, O... MDMA (ecstasy) pharmacokinetics in a CYP2D6 poor metaboliser and in ni... Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2005