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All References with Authors including 'Uyeno_E'

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Uyeno ET, Benson WM Effects of lysergic acid diethylamide on attack behavior of male albin... Psychopharmacologia 1965
Uyeno ET Lysergic acid diethylamide and dominance behaviour of the squirrel mon... Arch Int Pharmacodyn 1967
Uyeno ET Lysergic acid diethylamide and sexual dominance behaviour of the male ... Int J Neurospsychiat 1967
Uyeno ET Effects of mescaline and psilocybin on dominance behaviour of the rat Arch Int Pharmacodyn 1967
Uyeno ET Hallucinogenic compounds and swimming response J. Pharmacol.exp.The... 1968
Uyeno ET, Mitoma C The relative effectiveness of several hallucinogens in disrupting maze... Psychopharmacologia ... 1969
Uyeno ET Alteration of a Learned Response of the Squirrel Monkey by Hallucinoge... Int J Neuropharmacol 1969
Uyeno ET Effects of lysergic acid diethylamide on the maternal behavior of the ... Journal of Psycholog... 1970
Uyeno ET Lysergic acid diethylamide and a novel stimulus. Psychonomic Science 1970
Uyeno ET Lysergic acid diethylamide, chlorpromazine and maze performance Arch. Int. Pharmacod... 1970
Uyeno ET Relative Potency of Amphetamine Derivatives and N,N-Dimethyltryptamine... Psychopharmacologia 1971
Uyeno E Effects of psychotropic drugs on the competitive behavior of the rat Israel Events Ltd. 1972
Uyeno ET Effects of psychodysleptics on aggressive behavir of animals Mod. Probl. Pharmaco... 1978