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All References with Titles containing 'White_L' OR with Authors including 'White_L' OR with Abstract including 'White_L' OR with Keywords including 'White_L'

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Carlson VR Effect of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) on the absolute visual t... J. comp. physiol. Ps... 1958
Ladefoged O The Effect of LSD, Psilocybin, Harmaline and Amphetamine on the body T... Arch. Intern. Pharma... 1974
Vuillaume M, Berkaloff A LSD treatment of Pieris brassicae and consequences on the progeny Nature 1974
Hoffmeister F, Wuttke W Psychotropic Drugs as Negative Reinforcers. Pharmacol.Rev. 1975
White L, DiMaio VJ Intravenous propylhexedrine and sudden death N Engl J Med 1977
Bethel RG Abuse of Asthma Cigarettes Br Med J 1978
West KB, Hernandez LL, Ap... Drugs and Visual Perception: Effects of LSD, Morphine and Chlorpromazi... Psychopharmacology 1982