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All References with Titles containing 'Wilkens_B' OR with Authors including 'Wilkens_B' OR with Abstract including 'Wilkens_B' OR with Keywords including 'Wilkens_B'

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Malitz S, Esecover H, Wil... Some Observations on Psilocybin, a New Hallucinogen, in Volunteer Subj... Comprehensive Psychi... 1960
Malitz S, Wilkens B, Roeh... A clinical comparison of three related hallucinogens Psychiat. Quart. 1960
Esecover H, Malitz S, Wil... Clinical profiles of paid normal subjects volunteering for hallucinoge... Amer.J.Psychiat. 1961
Malitz S, Wilkens B, Esec... A comparison of drug-induced hallucinations with those seen in spontan... Hallucinations 1962
Wilkens B, Malitz S, Esec... Clinical observations of simultaneous hallucinogen administration in i... Amer. J. Psychiat. 1962