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All References with Titles containing 'Winter_JC' OR with Authors including 'Winter_JC' OR with Abstract including 'Winter_JC' OR with Keywords including 'Winter_JC'

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Schechter MD, Winter JC Effect of mescaline and lysergic acid diethylamide on flicker discrimi... J. Pharmacol. Exp. T... 1971
Winter JC Tolerance to a behaviour effect of lysergic acid diethylamid and cross... J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1971
Hirschhorn ID, Winter JC Mescaline and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) as discriminative stimu... Psychopharmacologia ... 1971
Schechter MD, Winter JC Effect of BOL on the LSD-induced alteration of flicker discrimination ... Arch. int. Pharmocod... 1972
Winter JC The behavioral pharmacology of psychoactive drugs Psychopharmacol.Bull... 1975
Winter JC Stimulus Properties of Phenethylamine Hallucinogens and Lysergic Acid ... J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther... 1978
Winter JC LSD-Induced Stimulus Control: A Comparison of SCH12,679, Fenfluramine,... Psychopharmacology 1978
Winter JC Yohimbine-induced stimulus control in the rat Arch. int. Pharmacod... 1978
Winter JC Quipazine-induced stimulus control in the rat Psychopharmacology 1979
Winter JC Effects of the phenethylamine derivatives, BL-3912, fenfluramine, and ... Psychopharmacology 1980
Winter JC Drug-induced stimulus control and the concept of breaking point: LSD a... Psychopharmacology 1981
Winter JC The stimulus properties of para-methoxyamphetamine: A nonessential ser... Pharmacol Biochem Be... 1984
Winter JC The Stimulus Effects of Serotonergic Hallucinogens in Animals NIDA Research Monogr... 1994
Fiorella D, Helsley S, Ra... Further investigations of the interactions of antipsychotics with the ... Neuropharmacology 1997
Helsley S, Filipink RA, B... The effects of sigma, PCP, and opiate receptor ligands in rats trained... Pharmacol Biochem Be... 1998
Winter JC, Helsley S, Fio... The acute effects of monoamine reuptake inhibitors on the stimulus eff... Pharmacol Biochem Be... 1999
Eckler JR, Greizerstein H... A sensitive method for determining levels of [-]-2,5,-dimethoxy-4-meth... J Pharmacol Toxicol ... 2001
Eckler JR, Chang-Fong J, ... Behavioral characterization of 2-O-desmethyl and 5-O-desmethyl metabol... Pharmacol Biochem Be... 2003
Fantegrossi WE, Harringto... Hallucinogen-like actions of 2,5-dimethoxy-4-(n)-propylthiophenethylam... Psychopharmacology (... 2005
Fantegrossi WE, Harringto... Hallucinogen-like actions of 2,5-dimethoxy-4-(n)-propylthiophenethylam... Psychopharmacology (... 2005
Fantegrossi WE, Harringto... Hallucinogen-like actions of 5-methoxy-N,N-diisopropyltryptamine in mi... Pharmacol Biochem Be... 2006