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Camp BJ The Alkaloid of Acacia berlandieri N-Methyl-B-Phenylethylamine : A dis... Graduate School of A... 1956
Pollock, S.H. Book Review: Growing Wild Mushrooms by B. Harris Journal of Psychoact... 1976
Decker WJ, Brandes WB LSD Misadventure in Middle Age J. Forens. Sci. 1978
Ferrigni NR, Nichols DE, ... Cactus alkaloidsXLVIIN alpha-dimethylhistamine, a hypotensive componen... J Ethnopharmacol 1982
Siegel RK MDMA-Nonmedical use and intoxication J Psychoactive Drugs 1986
Calhoun SR, Wesson DR, Ga... Abuse of flunitrazepam Rohypnol and other benzodiazepines in Austin an... J Psychoactive Drugs 1996
Clement BA, Goff CM, Forb... Toxic amines and alkaloids from Acacia rigidula Phytochemistry 1998
McFee RB, Mofenson HC, Ca... Dextromethorphan: Another 'Ecstasy'? Arch Fam Med 2000
Bruhn JG, De Smet PA, El-... Mescaline use for 5700 years Lancet 2002
El-Seedi HR, Smet PA, Bec... Prehistoric peyote use: Alkaloid analysis and radiocarbon dating of ar... J Ethnopharmacol 2005
Terry M, Steelman KL, Gui... Lower Pecos and Coahuila peyote: new radiocarbon dates J Archaelogical Scie... 2006
Westover AN, McBride S, H... Stroke in young adults who abuse amphetamines or cocaine: a population... Arch Gen Psychiatry 2007
Mathai D, Gordon M, Muchm... Paradoxical increase in synthetic cannabinoid emergency-related presen... Bull Menninger Clin 2016