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Erowid Search Results for: Analytical profile of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (new 2022 march 29)

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Displaying Results 4591 to 4620 of 12661

Erowid Reference 869 : Ecstasy: towards an understanding of the biochemical basis of the actions of MDMA : Rattray M
The Index page for the reference article: Rattray M Ecstasy: towards an understanding of the biochemical basis of the actions of MDMA Essays Biochem 1991 26:77-87
Erowid Reference 8559 : Synthetic cathinones: Chemistry, pharmacology and toxicology of a new class of designer drugs of abuse marketed as 'bath salts' or 'plant food' : Coppola M, Mondola R
The Index page for the reference article: Coppola M, Mondola R Synthetic cathinones: Chemistry, pharmacology and toxicology of a new class of designer drugs of abuse marketed as 'bath salts' or 'plant food' Toxicol Lett 2012 211(2):144-149
Erowid Reference 815 : Differences between the mechanism of action of MDMA, MBDB, and the classic hallucinogens. Identification of a new therapeutic class: entactogens : Nichols DE
The Index page for the reference article: Nichols DE Differences between the mechanism of action of MDMA, MBDB, and the classic hallucinogens. Identification of a new therapeutic class: entactogens J Psychoactive Drugs 1986 18(4):305-13
Erowid Reference 112 : Involvement of the serotonin transporter in the formation of hydroxyl radicals induced by 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine : Shankaran M, Yamamoto BK, Gudelsky GA
The Index page for the reference article: Shankaran M, Yamamoto BK, Gudelsky GA Involvement of the serotonin transporter in the formation of hydroxyl radicals induced by 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine Eur J Pharmacol 1999 385(2-3):103-10
A Study of the Precursors, Intermediates and Reaction Byproducts in the Synthesis of MDMA - []
Erowid Reference 7745 : Evaluation of the discriminative stimulus and reinforcing effects of gammahydroxybutyrate (GHB) : Beardsley PM, Balster RL, Harris LS
The Index page for the reference article: Beardsley PM, Balster RL, Harris LS Evaluation of the discriminative stimulus and reinforcing effects of gammahydroxybutyrate (GHB) Psychopharmacology (Berl) 1996 127(4):315-22
Erowid Reference 7066 : Use of psychoactive medication during pregnancy and possible effects on the fetus and newborn [Committee on Drugs, American Academy of Pediatrics] : No Author Given
The Index page for the reference article: No Author Given Use of psychoactive medication during pregnancy and possible effects on the fetus and newborn [Committee on Drugs, American Academy of Pediatrics] Pediatrics 2000 105(4Pt1):880-7
Ask Erowid : ID 3107 : Do poppy seeds really contain active levels of opiates?
Ask Erowid Question and Answer: Do poppy seeds really contain active levels of opiates?
Erowid Reference 6540 : Psychotomimetic N-methyl-N-isopropyltryptamines. Effects of variation of aromatic oxygen substituents : Repke DB, Grotjahn DB, Shulgin AT
The Index page for the reference article: Repke DB, Grotjahn DB, Shulgin AT Psychotomimetic N-methyl-N-isopropyltryptamines. Effects of variation of aromatic oxygen substituents J Med Chem 1985 28(7):892-6
Erowid Reference 6402 : Effects of capsaicin on the sensorimotor function of the proximal stomach in humans : Lee KJ,
The Index page for the reference article: Lee KJ, Effects of capsaicin on the sensorimotor function of the proximal stomach in humans Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2004 19(4):415-25
Erowid Reference 7604 : The misuse of the ‘Gateway Theory’ in US policy on drug abuse control: A secondary analysis of the muddled deduction : Golub A, Johnson BD
The Index page for the reference article: Golub A, Johnson BD The misuse of the ‘Gateway Theory’ in US policy on drug abuse control: A secondary analysis of the muddled deduction International Journal of Drug Policy 2002 13:5-19
Ask Erowid : ID 3131 : What book has a lot of visual representations of Ecstasy?
Ask Erowid Question and Answer: What book has a lot of visual representations of Ecstasy?
Experience Vaults: 2C-P & Cannabis - Lots of Fun to Be Had in the Forest of Colors - 34341
An experience with 2C-P & Cannabis. 'Lots of Fun to Be Had in the Forest of Colors' by psych@delic
Erowid Reference 6371 : Involvement of CYP3A4, CYP2C8, and CYP2D6 in the metabolism of (R)- and (S)-methadone in vitro : Wang JS, DeVane CL
The Index page for the reference article: Wang JS, DeVane CL Involvement of CYP3A4, CYP2C8, and CYP2D6 in the metabolism of (R)- and (S)-methadone in vitro Drug Metab Dispos 2003 31(6):742-7
Erowid Reference 7104 : Identification of monoamine oxidase and cytochrome P450 isoenzymes involved in the deamination of phenethylamine-derived designer drugs (2C-series) : Theobald DS, Maurer HH
The Index page for the reference article: Theobald DS, Maurer HH Identification of monoamine oxidase and cytochrome P450 isoenzymes involved in the deamination of phenethylamine-derived designer drugs (2C-series) Biochem Pharmacol 2007 73(2):287-97
Kratom Vaults : The alkaloids of Mitragyna with special reference to those of Mitragyna speciosa, Korth
The alkaloids of Mitragyna with special reference to those of Mitragyna speciosa, Korth
Psilocybin Mushroom Vault : Prevalence of Use of Psilocybin Mushrooms
Information about how many people have used psilocybin mushrooms in the United States, Britain, & Canada.
Library/Bookstore : 'Spirits of the Rainforest: Aspects of the Hyper-Real'
'Spirits of the Rainforest: Aspects of the Hyper-Real' by Demetri Efthyvoulos
Library : The Erowid Review » Eye Mind: The Saga of Roky Erickson and the 13th Floor Elevators, The Pioneers of Psychedelic Sound
The Erowid Review: Reviews of books and movies relating to psychoactives.
Library/Bookstore : 'Jesus Weed: The Misadventures of a Young Man in Search of the Perfect High'
'Jesus Weed' by Gerald Taylor
Poppy Vault : Poppy Biscuits, by Sebastians_ghost
A brief description of tea made from poppy straw.
Experience Vaults: Crack Cocaine - Another Good Time - 10865
An experience with Crack Cocaine. 'Another Good Time' by LSD Pirate
Experience Vaults: Venlafaxine and Cannabis - Nausea at First, Then Fine - 95587
An experience with Venlafaxine and Cannabis. 'Nausea at First, Then Fine' by L
Experience Vaults: Oxymorphone - Never Once Got Old; Tolerance Raised Quickly - 66468
An experience with Oxymorphone. 'Never Once Got Old; Tolerance Raised Quickly' by Alexander L.
Experience Vaults: Mirtazapine (Remeron) - Poor for Recreation - 51057
An experience with Mirtazapine (Remeron). 'Poor for Recreation' by L-Train
Experience Vaults: DXM - False Positive with DXM for PCP - 2876
An experience with DXM. 'False Positive with DXM for PCP' by Rob L.
Experience Vaults: Salvia Divinorum & Leonotis leonurus - Unprepared and Interrupted - 33628
An experience with Salvia Divinorum & Leonotis leonurus. 'Unprepared and Interrupted' by Ment@l
Experience Vaults: Salvia divinorum (10x extract) - Terrifying Ego Loss for an Unprepared Soul - 25147
An experience with Salvia divinorum (10x extract). 'Terrifying Ego Loss for an Unprepared Soul' by Will L.
Experience Vaults: 2C-I & Salvia divinorum - The Journey into Love ... - 47623
An experience with 2C-I & Salvia divinorum. 'The Journey into Love ...' by L-train
Experience Vaults: 2C-I & Cocaine - We Have Created a Monster: Psycaine - 44951
An experience with 2C-I & Cocaine. 'We Have Created a Monster: Psycaine' by John L

Displaying Results 4591 to 4620 of 12661