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Erowid Search Results for: How much does vicodin 5-300 cost on the street (new 2022 march 29)

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Displaying Results 7381 to 7410 of 10771

Library/Bookstore : 'Small Comfort'
'Small Comfort: A History of the Minor Tranquilizers' by Mickey C. Smith
Cannabis Vault : Medical - Media Coverage
Op-Ed : THE POT PERPLEX - Mr. Soros's agenda and the voters' - New Yorker Magazine, Jan 6, 1997
Bob Wallace Vault : The Death of a Friend and Benefactor
The Death of a Friend and Benefactor, by Earth Erowid.
Opiates Vault : Article #1
The Pleasures of Opium, an excerpt from Confessions of an English Opium Eater by Thomas de Quincey
Rhodium: Drug Chemistry Archive
Erowid Reference 6775 : The construction of the crack babies phenomenon as a social problem : Lyons P, Rittner B
The Index page for the reference article: Lyons P, Rittner B The construction of the crack babies phenomenon as a social problem Am J Orthopsychiatry 1998 68(2):313-20
Erowid Reference 6699 : Drugs and Mysticism: An Analysis of the Relationship between Psychedelic Drugs and the Mystical Consciousness : Pahnke W
The Index page for the reference article: Pahnke W Drugs and Mysticism: An Analysis of the Relationship between Psychedelic Drugs and the Mystical Consciousness Thesis Harvard University 1963
Experience Vaults: Mephedrone, Methylone, MDPV & Butylone - Good Enhancement for a Night Out with the Lads - 82282
An experience with Mephedrone, Methylone, MDPV & Butylone. 'Good Enhancement for a Night Out with the Lads' by elecraglide
Erowid Reference 6307 : The Peak Experience Variable in DPT-Assisted Psychotherapy with Cancer Patients : Richards WA., Rhead JC, DiLeo FB, Yensen R, Kurland AA
The Index page for the reference article: Richards WA., Rhead JC, DiLeo FB, Yensen R, Kurland AA The Peak Experience Variable in DPT-Assisted Psychotherapy with Cancer Patients Journal of Psychedelic Drugs 1977 9(1):1-10
Experience Vaults: Mushrooms & LSD - Falling Dead and Seeing the Light - 53691
An experience with Mushrooms & LSD. 'Falling Dead and Seeing the Light' by J-Toogz
Erowid Reference 7285 : [The morphofunctional changes in the internal organs in the modelling of poisonings by psilocybine-containing mushrooms] : Babakhanian RV, Ivanova GV, Kostyrko TA, Safraĭ AE, Iagmurov OD
The Index page for the reference article: Babakhanian RV, Ivanova GV, Kostyrko TA, Safraĭ AE, Iagmurov OD [The morphofunctional changes in the internal organs in the modelling of poisonings by psilocybine-containing mushrooms] Sud Med Ekspert 1999 42(3):6-9
Experience Vaults: Bupropion - One In the Morning and One At Night - 18359
An experience with Bupropion. 'One In the Morning and One At Night' by dreamer
Experience Vaults: Banisteriopsis caapi, DMT & Various (Changa) - The Evolution of Ayahuasca - 85066
An experience with Banisteriopsis caapi, DMT & Various (Changa). 'The Evolution of Ayahuasca ' by Chen Cho Dorge
Experience Vaults: St. John's Wort - St. John's Saves the Day - Every Day - 17774
An experience with St. John's Wort. 'St. John's Saves the Day - Every Day' by xanadu marble
Experience Vaults: Hydromorphone - Dullness and the Law of Diminishing Returns - 41795
An experience with Hydromorphone. 'Dullness and the Law of Diminishing Returns' by Seifuru
Experience Vaults: Morphine - The Worst Pain I Had Ever Felt - 10154
An experience with Morphine. 'The Worst Pain I Had Ever Felt' by One38
Erowid Reference 6970 : A chemical study of ch'an su, the dried venom of the chinese toad, with special reference to the isolation of epinephrine : Jensen H, Chen KK
The Index page for the reference article: Jensen H, Chen KK A chemical study of ch'an su, the dried venom of the chinese toad, with special reference to the isolation of epinephrine The Journal of Biological Chemistry 1929
Erowid Reference 7228 : The anxiolytic effect of gamma-hydroxybutyrate in the elevated plus maze is reversed by the benzodiazepine receptor antagonist, flumazenil : Schmidt-Mutter C, Pain L, Sandner G, Gobaille S, Maitre M
The Index page for the reference article: Schmidt-Mutter C, Pain L, Sandner G, Gobaille S, Maitre M The anxiolytic effect of gamma-hydroxybutyrate in the elevated plus maze is reversed by the benzodiazepine receptor antagonist, flumazenil Eur J Pharmacol 1998 342(1):21-7
Experience Vaults: Ayahuasca (Syrian Rue & Mimosa hostilis) - Held in the Arms of God, Too Early - 35882
An experience with Ayahuasca (Syrian Rue & Mimosa hostilis). 'Held in the Arms of God, Too Early' by shruming human
Experience Vaults: GHB & Cocaine - Third Capful Put Me Over the Edge - 8239
An experience with GHB & Cocaine. 'Third Capful Put Me Over the Edge' by suedehead
Experience Vaults: Paroxetine - 'Social Anxiety' and the Pink Pill Experiment - 11522
An experience with Paroxetine. ''Social Anxiety' and the Pink Pill Experiment' by Veronica
Library/Bookstore : 'The Effects of Anaesthetics upon Cerebral Circulation and Metabolism'
'The Effects of Anaesthetics upon Cerebral Circulation and Metabolilsm' by J.B. Madsen & G.E. Cold
LSD (Acid) Vault : Excerpt from "The High and the Mighty: JFK, MPM, LSD and the CIA"
The High and the Might: JFK, MPM, LSD and the CIA, an excerpt from Steamshovel Press #12
Library/Bookstore : 'Peyote the Divine Cactus'
'Peyote the Divine Cactus' by Edward Anderson
Library/Bookstore : 'The Pleasures of Cocaine'
'The Pleasures of Cocaine' by Adam Gottlieb
Library/Bookstore : 'Addicted: The Myth and Menace of Drugs in Film'
'Addicted: The Myth and Menace of Drugs in Film' by Jack Stevenson
Library/Bookstore : 'The Little Book of Heroin'
'The Little Book of Heroin' by Francis Moraes, PhD
Library/Bookstore : 'Soma: The Divine Hallucinogen'
'Soma: The Divine Hallucinogen' by David L. Spess
Esters are Effective Co-Catalysts in Copper-Catalyzed Methanolysis of Aryl Bromides - []
Tryptamine from Tryptophan - []

Displaying Results 7381 to 7410 of 10771