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NBOMe Series
by Erowid
Caution :   Reactions and experiences may vary dramatically from person to person. [see below]
2C-C-NBOMe Duration
Sublingual / Buccal
( tentative )
Total Duration
6 - 8 hrs
0 - 15 mins
Coming Up
30 - 90 mins
4 - 6 hrs
Coming Down
1 - 4 hrs
After Effects
- - -
Hangover / Day After
- - -
2C-C-NBOMe Duration
( tentative )
Total Duration
4 - 8 hrs
0 - 5 mins
Coming Up
15 - 30 mins
2 - 4 hrs
Coming Down
1 - 3 hrs
After Effects
- - -
Hangover / Day After
- - -
  • strong open and closed eye visuals, including trails, color shifts, brightening, etc.
  • mood lift, euphoria
  • mental and physical stimulation
  • increase in associative & creative thinking
  • increased awareness & appreciation of music
  • life-changing spiritual experiences
  • erotic, sexual thoughts and sensations
  • feelings of love and empathy
  • psychedelic ideation, grand insights, big ideas
  • general change in consciousness
  • pupil dilation (mydriasis)
  • difficulty focusing the eyes
  • unusual body sensations (facial flushing, chills, goosebumps, body energy)
  • change in perception of time, time dilation
  • slight increase in heart rate
  • yawning, especially when coming up
  • does not suppress appetite at low doses
  • visual strobing
    (likelihood of negative side effects increases with higher doses)
  • confusion, delirium
  • looping, recursive, out of control thinking ('racing throughts')
  • scrambled communication
  • nausea
  • insomnia
  • paranoia, fear, and panic
  • unwanted and overwhelming feelings
  • unwanted life-changing spiritual experiences
  • tachycardia, hypertension
  • overheating, hyperthermia
  • serotonin syndrome
  • vasoconstriction, peripheral numbness, swelling of feet, hands, face
  • shaking, clenching, dystonia, clonus, muscle spasms, seizure
  • rhabdomyolysis (Gee et al.)
General Effects Notes
NBOMe series compounds are very potent 5HT2A agonist with doses ranging from sub-milligram to a couple of milligrams. Their effects have been compared to LSD, 2C-C, 2C-I and DOI. There are some reports that effects can be very unpredictable, even with the same person taking the same dose at different times.

Addiction and Compulsive Use
Though some reports mention that re-dosing is possible, compulsive use seems unlikely. However, because its use is so new and uncommon, no definitive statements about it can yet be made.

[2C-C-NBOMe, 500 mcg, insufflated] "The unremarkable room I'm in is suddenly transfigured into a Van-Goghian masterpiece. Looking out the window, the world has come alive, flowing in wavy brushstrokes. Visual trails leave clearly discernible ribbons of color in the air. I am completely enraptured by the stunning visual effects. My entire sensory experience takes on full salience. Every sight, sound, and smell enters my conscious awareness with unfiltered vitality." -- Exp 90724
[2C-C-NBOMe, 1.4 mg, insufflated] "I realized the moment I stepped into the next room that things were warped and wrong, no way I could vape. I glanced at the clock, and less than 4 minutes had taken place since insufflation. I was already becoming overwhelmed with confusion and slight delirium, I knew by the unnaturally immediate and incredibly strong onset that the 'Effective' dose I had given myself was much, much, much greater than anything I had ever gotten before." -- Exp 88985
[2C-I-NBOMe, 750 ug, sublingal] "I was laughing hysterically at everything R is saying, and vise versa. The OEV's/CEV's are incredibly intricate an unavoidable. Definitely an incredibly detailed and layered fractal pattern. I am most certainly in a profound psychedelic headspace (i.e. I intuitively understand the universe, society, etc.) [...] It's much more of a pure psychedelic than it's non-benzyl substituted cousin 2C-I, while still retaining some of the entactogen qualities." -- Exp 93342
[2C-I-NBOMe, 1500 ug, buccal] "CEV strong, really strong. Abrupt changes in ambient lighting cause rapid strobing. Strong erotic component to music, something in it and the feel of the rug and the sensation was really pushing me close to ecstasy a minute ago." -- Exp 93870
Erowid's effects information is a summary of data gathered from users, research, and other resources. This information is intended to describe the range of effects people report experiencing. Effects may vary dramatically from one person to another or one experience to another based on a variety of factors such as body chemistry, age, gender, physical health, dose, form of material, etc.