Plants - Drugs Mind - Spirit Freedom - Law Arts - Culture Library  
Erowid Center
PO Box 1116
Grass Valley CA 95945

A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit
Tax ID: 20-3256212
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September Support-a-Thon
Seeking a New High of 1,422 Unique Donations in September
As of July 18, 2024
  • 1,169 received in September 2023 (see details)
  • 253 donations still needed
  • $109,758 out of $106,200 in matching funds used
The matching drive is now over. Thanks to the backers and the donors!
We're excited to have a matching challenge during Erowid's September public support drive. Our goal is 1,422 unique contributors ($10+) during the month, and donations $20 to $2,000 will be matched by a small group of supporters! We have an unprecedented $-3,558 in matching still available. Please contribute and help us make the most of this matching challenge.
I Would Like to Donate: ($20 - $2,000 contributions matched)
$20 $30 $50 $100 $250 $500 $1000 Other
See below if you'd like to select a thank-you gift
Or Receive a Thank-you Gift!
$30 No Matching Becomes $60 of support for Erowid.
Gifts: Grocery Bag, or Blotter Art
$50 No Matching Makes $100 of support for Erowid.
Gifts: T-shirt, Poster, or Blotter Art
No Matching
Makes $200 of support for Erowid.
Gifts: Canvas Bag, Blotter Art, or T-shirt
(or other options).
No Matching
Makes $300 of support for Erowid.
Gifts: Zip Hoodie, a Glass Art Molecule,
(or other options).
No Matching
Makes $500 of support for Erowid.
Gifts: 8" Huichol Yarn Art, Zip Hoodie,
(or other options).
No Matching
Makes $1,000 of support for Erowid.
Gifts: Ltd Ed "Solve et Elucido" Giclee,
12" Huichol Yarn Art (or other options).
No Matching
Makes $2,000 of support for Erowid.
Gifts: Unique Shulgin Molecule Index Card, or
24" Huichol Art.
No Matching
Makes $4,000 of support for Erowid.
Gifts: Unique Shulgin Molecule Index Card, or
24" Huichol Art.

Project Updates:

The 2023 September Drive is focused on three projects: Shulgin Archiving, DrugsData, and Mobile-Usability Upgrades.

  • Shulgin Archiving: On the Shoulders of Giants
    We're on the cusp of finishing the scanning of physical documents in the Shulgin Collection. With this step, the protection of the data in the physical papers will be ensured. Over 240,000 documents have been scanned, not including photos. We have completed initial indexing ("metadata") of 50,000 documents. See Shulgin Archiving Project for more information.
  • DrugsData: Right To Know
    Erowid's DrugsData is the only anonymous mail-in laboratory drug checking program in the United States, operating continuously since 2001. In collaboration with research partners, DrugsData has analyzed more than 6,000 samples in the last three years. .

    This year's September drive's goal is to raise $40,000 to reduce DrugsData co-pays, promote drug checking, and instill the expectation that everyone has a right to know what's in the substances they consume. The human right to knowledge should include the right to analyze one's drugs, regardless of their legal status. See 2023 DrugsData Project Update for more information.
  • Mobile-Upgrades: Ubiquitous Accessibility
    Our 2023 annual September Drive also suports mobile upgrades. We are moving forward with mobile usability for Erowid and DrugsData. After years of waiting for a great solution, we've decided the best is the enemy of the good. So we've just released a pre-beta version of a more mobile-friendly display of the Experience Vaults.
Matching Campaign Rules:
  • Donations must be made between September 1 and September 30 in order to be matched.
  • $20-$2,000 donations are matched ($30 donation triggers matching donation of $30, etc.).
  • Qualifying donations will be matched until the matching funds are fully used $106200 or the end date of September 30 has been reached.
  • Contributors can select from the normal array of membership gifts for the amount they contribute, not including matching funds.
  • Contributors' portion of donations (minus the value of membership gifts requested) are tax-deductible.
If you have questions about this matching drive, email