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Reports from Sep 7 2018 - Sep 7 2018
All Reports
(19 Total)

Cannapills: Too High for Too Long Don Tank Cannabis 2018 Sep 07
My Two Extra Senses pptt Salvia divinorum 2018 Sep 07
Focus! Enhance! Search! WarheadsOnForeheads Gabapentin 2018 Sep 07
Not Again for a Long Fucking While! ch0ke Inhalants (Duster) 2018 Sep 07
I Felt Like I Was Melting Into the Pavement Andi's Candy Hydrocodone 2018 Sep 07
Comfortably Numb Vegeta99 Amphetamines 2018 Sep 07
This Just Isn't a Dramatic Drug remizidae Lorazepam 2018 Sep 07
Internal Death Daniel H. Cacti - Mescaline-containing 2018 Sep 07
How I Avoid the Comedowns Kaje MDMA & Cannabis 2018 Sep 07
Crap Pill Doesn't Work Roujaxian MDMA 2018 Sep 07
Years of Use Leads to Issues Mess MDMA 2018 Sep 07
Not Much Happened the Second Time brrllkdj MDMA & Venlafaxine 2018 Sep 07
I Like It Besides the Comedown Will MDMA 2018 Sep 07
A Night Like All the Rest B-dog Cannabis 2018 Sep 07
Where Are Your Eyes brent Mushrooms 2018 Sep 07
Kind of Mild Erik Revolt H.B. Woodrose 2018 Sep 07
Emotional Breakdown MichaelT Cocaine 2018 Sep 07
The Puppet Master Trebligydna MDMA 2018 Sep 07
What's That Music? Roger L. Cannabis 2018 Sep 07

NOTE: There are 1 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
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