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Reports from Dec 12 2018 - Dec 12 2018
All Reports
(17 Total)

The Theory of You youknow LSD 2018 Dec 12
Lots of Dreams but No Rest troubled sleep Zolpidem & Bupropion 2018 Dec 12
Shooting Liver Pains and 2 Trips to the ER actual_carrot Kratom 2018 Dec 12
Where the Fairies Run All Organic Chemistry That_guy DMT 2018 Dec 12
Lapsing Into Conversations in My Mind Speed Stickly Zolpidem 2018 Dec 12
They Truly Are Magic Jimsonhead3 Mushrooms 2018 Dec 12
My World of Relaxation The Wy Oxycodone 2018 Dec 12
Quick Tolerance wild magic Tramadol, Lamotrigine & Alprazolam 2018 Dec 12
Not So Deep but Comfortable and Dreamless Sleep psychonaught Triazolam 2018 Dec 12
My Best Birthday Ever polypolyman LSD 2018 Dec 12
Mush Ado About Nothing Swami Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2018 Dec 12
3ft Bong and F'd Up 30 Minutes Its a trip DMT 2018 Dec 12
Dancing with The Devil Seethroughme LSD 2018 Dec 12
Pleasant, Nice, and Things Come to Life Ragefan4ever187 Zolpidem 2018 Dec 12
Calm Before the Storm Friedrice118 Zolpidem 2018 Dec 12
Everything Went Green nmplooker Tobacco (N. trigonophylla) 2018 Dec 12
Wasted Money Tex GABOB 2018 Dec 12

NOTE: There are 5 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

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