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Homemade Smoking Blend
Cannabis & Various
Citation:   flyindevil. "Homemade Smoking Blend: An Experience with Cannabis & Various (exp101145)". Oct 22, 2020.

  smoked Cannabis  
    smoked Hops  
    smoked Lemon Balm (extract)
    smoked Mullein  
    smoked Leonurus cardiaca  
    smoked Lobelia spp.  
    pods smoked Poppies - Opium  
    smoked Coleus  
    smoked Datura  
Cannabis Papaver rhoeas petal Humulus lupulus flowers Melissa officinalis extract mullein leaf leonurus cardiaca tops lobelia siphilitica leaf papaver somniferum pod coleus leaf datura inoxia leaf Solanum dulcamara leaf

3:41 PM
-Hadn't smoked anything since early morning (before 5 AM), no cannabis since day night before.

-Mixed one half cannabis with (all dried and cut into very small pieces) one small field poppy petal (Papaver rhoeas), one small hops bud/flower (roughly half or 2/5 as much as cannabis),

~1/5 smoking blend (homemade lemon balm vodka extract dried multiple times on mullein leaf, motherwort tops (leonurus cardiaca),

lobelia siphilitica leaf, opium poppy pod, cannabis leaf, coleus leaf, smaller amount of datura inoxia leaf + possible bittersweet nightshade leaf (this combination would be alright to smoke by itself, but the effects wouldn't last long or be that strong at all)

3:47 PM
-~ third of a bowl unpacked smoked in (dirty with resin) metal bong bowl with portion of metal screen, bottom of bong half filled with water
-good amount of cough, eyes water, as harsh as equivalent amount of cannabis
-tastes of cannabis and hops, which is expected due to the ratio of herbs

3:50 PM
-feeling good amount of high, equivalent/more effects but very slightly different than if I had smoked the same amount of material, only all

-add a bit more (~ fifth of current mixture) smoking blend to current mixture, so I can spread it out more.

3:51 PM
-heavy feeling in eyes, greater than just cannabis

3:53 PM
-Get up to change water in bong, realize my head feels much more pronounced, like it really is in control of body
-Fill slightly less than half of bong with new, cool tap water

4:04 PM
-Quite stoned, actually, much more than expected off of one hit. Thought process jumbled. Sedation, but not so much to want to fall asleep.

Pressure in forehead (nearly headache).

4:12 PM
-Take another hit, slightly less than first hit, blow out after ~15 seconds.
-Much less intense than first hit, no coughing. Only slightly higher.

4:15 PM
-I'm hungry, so I take a couple bites of cold local delivery bacon pizza. Mmmmmmmmmm.

4:46 PM
-Stoned feeling wearing off, I decide to take another hit. Bigger than the second one.
-Almost as good as first hit, coughing, stoned feeling back, a bit hard to focus eyes.

4:56 PM
-Still pretty high.

6:13 PM
-Still a bit stoned, feeling sedated, want to sleep, going to play Amnesia: The Dark Descent.

6:28 PM
-Whoooooohhhh. Adrenaline going a bit (from Amnesia, obviously).

7:17 PM
-Fading a bit, almost a headache. Drinking 'French Vanilla' brewed coffee.

8:43 PM
-Didn't get a headache, even with loud music/people yelling in videos I watched.

I will use this mixture/ratio again, and add more herbs if available. It seems to lengthen the amount of time high, give more of a head feeling, and give a nice stone. No headache is a bonus as well. I can eat and drink beverages without feeling sick, in fact appetite is increased.

I'll have to smoke this mixture before bed to see its effects on ability to sleep, quality of sleep, and possible dream effects. I also must try this in the morning, to see effect on wakefulness, alertness, memory, and work performance (though I doubt it will be much different from just cannabis).

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101145
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Oct 22, 2020Views: 532
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Cannabis (1) : Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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