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From Deep Love to the Dissection of the Mind
Mushrooms (sclerotia), H.B. Woodrose & Cannabis
Citation:   Odessagurl. "From Deep Love to the Dissection of the Mind: An Experience with Mushrooms (sclerotia), H.B. Woodrose & Cannabis (exp99103)". Feb 4, 2023.

T+ 0:00
15 g oral Mushrooms (sclerotia)
  T+ 3:15 11 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose (extract)
  T+ 3:45   repeated smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 6:00   oral Tea (tea)
My friend and I bought some sclerotia galindori from the internet, 15grams each. I also did a Napthalene/Everclear/tripple distilled Water extraction of HBWS in my lab (about 22 seeds in 50ml).

This was our first time doing psychedelics. I had tried shrooms twice before, but once I threw up very early so I didn't trip at all and the other time the dose was way too low, I just got very euphoric.

+00:00 - We put the wet sclerotia in a peanut butter sandwich and ate it.
+00:15 - starting to feel warm and the atmosphere in my room was 'changing'.
+00:30 - as we were watching videos on my tablet my friend starts to feel dizzy and was about to throw up. I put on a chill song (one that we would eventually looplisten to for hours) and he calmed down.
+00:45 - my friend starts to trip balls, moves his hands to the music and was totally in his head talking about how everything suddenly makes sense and he talked about how everything in the universe was connected.
+01:30 - I start to feel very warm and happy and closed my eyes. I felt this overwhelming sensation of love and kinda 'sensed' every other human being on this planet. Striped patterns on my pillow started moving and my fuzzy carpet suddenly became a jungle.

!+02:00 - I feel very relaxed and am just chillin on my bed thinking about what it is that makes a man a man and a woman a woman. I had the deepest realisations about what the term 'love' meant for me and I got a new understanding of human relationships in general. I just wanted to hug everybody, be with others and connect with everybody like cells in a tissue are connected.

I saw all living beings on this planet as small capillaries connected to one big artery (the world) and we draw nutrients from it, constantly being in exchange with this all-knowing lifestream. Everything just made sense, everything was One and I was part of it. I saw myself as a conglomerate of atoms, molecules, cells and then me being a part of my room, my building, my city, country, universe and beyond... Time as we know it did not exist anymore, there was just the 'now' and time was like a biotope (as in a physical space and not a vector).

+03:15 - We start to come down and talk about our experiences. I decided I wanted to really trip BALLS and we shared that 22 HBWS dddH2O solution.

+03:30 - My head started to feel really heavy and my trip started to go into a completely different direction. Suddenly my warm feeling of unconditional love made way for a very technical rush of thoughts.

!+03:45 - I decided to smoke a bowl and that was when it really hit me. After the first rip I lost it. My body felt so heavy I had to lie down and couldn't move. It felt like gravity just increased 10fold. Between every rip I needed 5 minutes to take the next one. My friend was just chillin on the floor. He tripped hard on the shrooms but now he seemed much more in control. Meanwhile I was GONE, on the inside of my eyelids I saw a carousel with pictures from my past spinning and CEVs were very vivid.

+04:00 - My brain was on fire, I had like 10 intense, eye opening realizations per minute and I must probably have seemed crazy to my friend :D. Every object in my room started to unveil its history to me and I realized that people spend their lifetime producing cups, boxes, pens etc. and we don't even pay attention to all the objects. We shape our surroundings but our surroundings also shape us, so we need to be careful about what (and with whom) we surround ourselves with.
In a way our surroundings are a mirror of our inside. I fell in love with my cup because I realized that I drink from it every day and it is always there for me. My lips touch that cup hundreds of times every day, yet we don't see it as its own entity.

+04:30 - we go into the backyard and I totally defined what cold meant for me. I saw the trees, the snow and the sky and the atmosphere was just phenomenal.

+05:00 - my friend leaves and I could barely stand, I was bodyrocking like a madman and thought I'd go insane. My brain was melting like an overheating hard disc and a flashed memory. I realized our mind is like an operating system and everything we do (going to school, gym, bars,...) is like executing another file. I felt like I could reprogam my mind and it was as if I upgraded from Windows 95 to Windows 8.

+05:30 - I smoked another bowl, I had no idea how much I was packing because I did it in the dark but after that I just lied on the floor watching anime intros on youtube, thinking about how much I have changed from the 'me' that used to play computer games all day and watch a lot of anime.

I felt as if I had a bright, radiating sun in my stomach, as big as a soccer ball and after a couple of minutes the same feeling manifested itself in my brain also. It was extremely intense.

05:45 - The munchies hit me and I went to the kitchen to destroy whatever I had in my fridge. I could barely eat because my brain couldn't handle the complex coordination of eating. I felt as if I were 1 year old again learning how to eat and drink. I ate like a savage and made a huge mess in the kitchen =).

+06:00 - I kinda pass out on my bed, just thinking about that everything in 'existence' was connected. I tried to chug half a bottle of wine but it was too sour so I made some green tea. Every sip I took from my tea gave me new energy to think and I felt rejuvenated every single time.

I chilled in bed until 01:30 am (probably around 11h after we ate the shrooms), shut off my PC, brushed my teeth and went to bed.

It was our first time tripping. First the shrooms were really pleasant and I just felt love and my connection to this 'eternal universe'. I redefined my feelings and emotions towards others in a more loving way. The HBWS hit me hard, I totally lost it and thought I'd go crazy from all the deep thoughts I had. My mind was racing and it felt really analytical. I constantly thought 'is it the drug I am taking or were those thoughts always there and the drug was just the key to unlock those thoughts/feelings?'. All in all I had a really pleasant experience, I definitely need a break from psychadelics now. The dose was probably very intense too for a first time experience. At every point I felt totally in control of the situation in my head. I learned a lot about myself and got a totally new perspective on 'life'.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99103
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Feb 4, 2023Views: 300
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Mushrooms (39), Cannabis (1), H.B. Woodrose (26) : Combinations (3), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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