Moclobemide (also Aurorix) Reports - Difficult Experiences
Difficult Experiences
(5 Total)

Recommended The Other Place Lip Salvia divinorum (10x extract) & Moclobemide 2007 Aug 24
Recommended A Psychic Vivisection? Trey Pharmahuasca (Moclobemide & DMT) 2000 Jun 13
Ugliness, Screaming, and Finding Immortality sweatypie Pharmahuasca (Moclobemide & DMT) & Benzodiazepines 2019 Nov 26
Ultimate Death Human 5-MeO-DMT & Moclobemide 2005 Oct 05
New Pure Terror Trip ziomale DPT & Moclobemide 2024 Sep 27

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