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Contact Information
Below is a list of contact possibilities for Erowid. Please try to use the method which best fits your needs. With the volume of correspondence we get we are unable to reply to a high percentage of the email we receive, so please forgive us if you receive no response. Messages sent to the wrong address will be ignored.

For obvious legal and ethical reasons, it is Erowid's policy not to become involved in the purchase, trade, or sale of either legal or illegal substances. Please do not write requesting information about where to buy or sell substances, plants, seeds, or chemicals, whether legal or illegal. Requests of this sort will not be answered.

Ask Erowid is a forum designed specifically for questions about entheogens, herbs, chemicals, drugs, spirituality, law, etc. Due to the large volume of questions we received, only a small percentage of questions are selected to be answered. Questions can be submitted anonymously and most answers are both emailed to the submitter as well as posted publicly to help others. Answers are organized by category and are fully searchable. This is the only method available for asking a general question about these topics. Please do not send questions of this sort to any of the addresses below.
Note: We invite comments, articles, news clippings, and donations to be sent to our physical mailbox, but under no circumstances should psychoactive substances be sent to us.
PO Box 1116
Grass Valley CA 95945 USA
You can still read comments that were submitted to our old guestbook