Plants - Drugs Mind - Spirit Freedom - Law Arts - Culture Library  
Thinning Out Your Physical Library?
If you have books or periodicals about drugs, contribute them to Erowid!
Your old books will find a good home in our library or for a supporter. [details]
If you have information or images you'd like to share with others, use the appropriate submission form below.

When you submit a file, article or image, you may be asked for a name and/or email address. These are generally used to allow us to contact you if we have questions about the submission. Feel free to use a pseudonym if you like. We will not give out or display names or email addresses unless the form specifically states that we will display it.

We are looking for well written reports that help describe the experiences people have with substances or techniques (meditation, breathwork, etc). We are interested in both positive and negative experiences.
Submit an image to be used in the Image Vaults. We are looking for good quality images showing plants, chemicals, paraphernalia and related objects.
Submit an image to be used in the Visionary Arts Vault. We are looking to display artwork that has been inspired by psychoactives or that is in some way related to psychoactives.
If you have relevant articles in digital format, we would love to take a look at them. This form is for articles which have been previously published in some other format.
If you have a site that links to Erowid, let us know and we'll add you to our reciprocal links page.
Submit a relevant link. We are looking for links to good sources of information.