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Erowid Announcement #25
Sept 28, 2001
Hey Entheophiles,

We hope everyone is maintaining balance during this complex and difficult equinox. Our hopes and energies are with our Erowid friends as you all find your own place in the confusion. It's been a tough two weeks as we find ourselves unable to focus well on our work, as I'm sure is the case for many. With all of the stress and pain people have been going through, now is a good time to be unusually kind to others.

As a fundraiser during October, we're pleased to offer signed copies of either PiHKAL and TiHKAL (by Alexander & Ann Shulgin) as thank you gifts for donations of $150 or more. Both volumes will be sent as gifts for donations of $275 or more.

Thank you to all who have volunteered. Keep checking back to the Projects page, as we revise it every few weeks. If you feel you have some time to volunteer, and haven't already filled out the form, it's at:

We welcome submissions, suggestions, criticisms, or corrections at

Fire, Earth & Sophie


  1. Observations Regarding the Suspected Psychoactive Properties of Panaeolus foenisecii Maire
    John W. Allen and Mark D. Merlin document the P. foenisecii's standing as a psychoactive mushroom with copious references and images, including TLC and HPLC analysis.

  2. Opiate Tolerance, Addiction, and Effective Pain Management
    K. Trout, best-known for his cactus wizardry, applies his encyclopedic knowledge to an exploration of opioid tolerance.

  3. Short Term Side Effects of MDMA
    This article is an overview of MDMA's (generally unwanted) side effects. Though it is not a complete list, it includes data from the first clinical study into the frequency of some of the more common negative side-effects.

  4. Phillip Charpentier's Yarrow Notes
    Phillip Charpentier is a Belgian herbalist with an extensive knowledge of the esoteric use of various plants. Here is his fascinating and truly unique piece about Yarrow.

  5. An Unpleasant Exploration of DXO (Chemistry & Experience)
    An intriguing report about the experimental synthesis and ingestion of DXO (a DXM metabolite). Aren't you glad someone else is out there doing this kind of stuff so you don't have to?

  6. German Experience Report Submission Page
    Thanks to a new volunteer, the German-language side of Erowid is getting a facelift. Experience reports can now be submitted in German!

  7. Deutsche Index (German language sites)
    Here is a list of links to German-language psychoactive-related sites, including cannabis, ecstasy, nitrous, film, and law links.

  8. New Humor Vaults
    Psychoactives Humor
    Freedom & Law Humor
    These are sections for gathering psychoactive- and freedom-related humor as it comes our way. So far includes re-edited Reagan Anti-Drug Speech, The Rabbit and the Lion, Simpsons Drug Reference Collection, and Miscellaneous Short Psychedelic Jokes. If you know of related websites or have a humor piece for submission, please send them to

  9. New Character Vaults
    Claudia Müller-Ebeling
    Christian Rätsch
    Müller-Ebeling & Rätsch frequently collaborate on books, conferences, and speaking engagements. They are currently busy with a Nepalese Shamanism/Trance/Psychoactive Plants and Mushrooms conference being held near Kathmandu.

  10. Jonathan Ott Interview from Entheogen Review
    Interview Part I
    Interview Part II
    Ott, author of Pharmacotheon and other books, was interviewed by Jon Hanna and Will Beifuss for Entheogen Review. Frequently an interview is made more interesting by the combination of interviewer expertise and an interesting subject. Ott fans will not be disappointed by this combination. Topics covered include Pharmahuasca, 5-MEO-DMT, other tryptamine snuffs, opium, mushrooms, the War on Drugs. [Note: these are fairly large PDF files, 700k & 2.5mb].

  11. TFMPP Basics
    An addition to the piperazines info.

  12. New Sildenafil (Viagra) Vault
    Includes basic information and an Image Vault. Includes interesting links to the history of Viagra and its use by women.

  13. Tryptophan Law Vault
    The basic Law vault for Tryptophan & 5-HTP. If anyone has additional information about the legal status of L-Tryptophan or 5-HTP, please let us know.

  14. Image Vault Additions
    2C-I and 4-Acetoxy-DET
    Twins Blotter
    Fly In The Ointment Blotter (front)
    Just a few new images this month as we've been focusing our energies elsewhere.

  15. New Artists in Art Vault
    Alessandro Bavari - (October Artist of the Month)

  16. 87 Experience Reports
    Visit this page for a list of the experience reports posted on Erowid since the last announcement.

  17. 8 Ask Erowid Questions
    This page gives an index of all the new questions that were answered since the last announcement.

  18. 23 Books Added to the Library / Bookstore
    We added 23 books to the library this month. See for complete listing. Highlights include:

    Psychoactive Sacramentals (2001)
    Review of Cleansing the Doors of Perception (2000)
    Eating the Flowers of Paradise (1999)
    The People's Guide to Deadly Drug Interactions (1995)
    Fire In The Brain (1992)
    You Are Not the Target (1963/69)
New results for tested tablets received and displayed on September 18th. Based on your feedback, we've also made a few changes to the system, including the ability to view the list without images, sort by tablet color, and a few bug fixes. We're continuing to upgrade the system and hope to have a new, working header in place soon. Tablet submissions have been pretty low this month...visit the submissions page to find out how to send in a tablet for free testing.


If you find Erowid a useful resource and are interested in supporting its future development, please consider donating or becoming a member.



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