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Author Index Title Index Subject Index

A Brief History of EverythingKen Wilber
Chaos Gaia ErosRalph Abraham
Dancing Naked in the Mind FieldsKary Mullis
The Master GameRobert S. de Ropp
Metamagical ThemasDouglas R. Hofstadter
The Mind's IDouglas R. Hofstadter and Daniel C. Dennett
Real PhilosophyJacob Needleman and David Appelbaum
Be Here NowBaba Ram Dass
Being PeaceThich Nhat Hanh
The Celestine ProphecyJames Redfield
The Celestine Prophecy GuidebookJames Redfield
The Cosmic SerpentJeremy Narby
The don Juan SeriesCarlos Castaneda
The Essential ConfuciusThomas Cleary
The Gurdjieff WorkKathleen Speeth
Meetings with Remarkable MenG. I. Gurdjieff
The Modern Alchemist: A Guide to Personal TransformationRichard & Iona Miller
The Only Dance There IsRam Dass
Peace Is Every StepThich Nhat Hanh
The Return of MerlinDeepak Chopra
The Stormy Search for SelfChristina and Stanislav Grof, M.D.
The Tenth InsightJames Redfield
Transformation & HealingThich Nhat Hanh
Views from the Real WorldG. I. Gurdjieff