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Briggs JR 'Muscale Buttons' Physiological Effects Personal Experience The Medical Bulletin 1887
Forrer GR, Goldner RD Experimental physiological studies with lysergic acid diethylamide (LS... Arch. Neurol. 1951
COCHIN J, WOODS LA, SEEVE... The absorption, distribution and urinary excretion of mescaline in the... J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1951
Benedetti G Beispiel einer strukturanalytischen und pharmakodynamischen Untersuchu... Z. Psychother. 1951
Blickenstorfer E Zum ätiologischen Problem der Psychosen vom akuten exogenen Reaktionst... Arch. F. Psychiatr. ... 1952
Frederking W Ueber die Verwendung von Rauschdrogen (meskalin und Lysergsaurediathyl... Psyche 1953
Kepner CH Personal experiences with LSD and Niacin Saskatchewan Psychia... 1953
Solms H Psychoses provoquées artificiellement (leur importance dans les reserc... Méd. & Hyg. 1954
Hoff H, Arnold OH Die Therapie der Schizophrenie Wien. klin. Wehnschr... 1954
Sandison RA, Spencer AM, ... The therapeutic value of lysergic acid diethylamide in mental illness J. Ment. Sci. 1954
Abramson HA, Jarvik ME, K... Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): I. Physiological and perceptual r... J. Psychol. 1955
Boyd ES, Rothlin E, Bonne... Preliminary studies on the metabolism of lysergic acid diethylamide. J. Pharmacol. & Expe... 1955
Isbell H, Fraser HF, Wikl... Tolerance to diethylamide of lysergic acid (LSD-25) Fed. Proc. 1955
Abramson HA, Jarvik ME, H... Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): V. Effect on spatial relations ab... J. Psychol. 1955
Abramson HA, Jarvik ME, H... Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): VII Effect upon two measures of m... J. Psychol. 1955
Jarvik ME, Abramson HA, H... Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): VIII. Effect on arithmetic test p... J. Psychol. 1955
Tonini G, Montanari C Effects of Experimentally Induced Psychoses on Artistic Expression Confinia neurol. 1955
Cerletti A, Rothlin E Role of 5-hydroxytryptamine in Mental Diseases and its Antagonism to L... Nature 1955
Hance AJ, Bradley PB The effects of intraventricular injections of drugs on the electrical ... Twentieth Internatio... 1956
Burroughs W Letter From A Master Addict To Dangerous Drugs British Journal of A... 1956
Abramson HA, Sklarofsky B... Production of tolerance to psychosis-produclng doses of lysergic acid ... Science 1957
Marrazzi AS The effects of certain drugs on cerebral synapses. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sc. 1957
Cook L, Weidley E Behavioral effects of some psychopharmacological agents. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sc. 1957
Gogerty JH, Dille JM Pharmacology of d-lysergic acid morpholide (L.S.M.) J. Pharmacol. Exper.... 1957
Hoch PH The problem of schizophrenia in the light of experimental psychiatry. Experimental psychop... 1957
Widlocher D, Nakajima H, ... Action des monoéthylamide (LAE) et diéthylamide (LSD) de l'acide lyser... Compt. rend. Soc. bi... 1957
Aström A, Samelius U The action of 5-hydroxytryptamine and some of its antagonists on the u... Brit. J. Pharmacol. 1957
Carlson VR Individual pupillary reactions to certain centrally acting drugs in ma... J. Pharmacol. & Expe... 1957
Sacchi U, Brusa A, Sorian... Alterazioni istologiche del sistema nervosa centrale provocate sperime... Sistema nerv. 1957
Martin AJ LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide ) treatment of chronic psychoneurotic ... Internat. J. Social ... 1957
Haley TJ Pharmacological actions from intracerebral drug injections Psychotropic drugs 1957
Szara S The comparison of the psychotic effect of tryptamine derivatives with ... Psychotropic drugs 1957
Balestrieri A Crossed tolerance between LSD-25 and mescaline Psychotropic drugs 1957
Benda P, Miravet LF Action de la chlorpromazine et de la réserpine sur la sensibilité du c... Compt. rend. Soc. de... 1957
Irányi J, Fráter R Adatok a kísérletes lysergsav-diathylamid psychosis tünettánahoz. (Ang... Ideggyógyászati Szem... 1957
Greiner T, Burch NR, Edel... Threshold doses of LSD in human subjects. Fed. Proc. 1957
Nadel E, Burstein S, Hoag... Comparative effects of ACTH and LSD on urinary corticosteroids in guin... Amer. J. Physiol. 1957
Delay J, Pichot P, Lempér... Effets psycho-physiologiques de la Psilocybine Comptes rendus des s... 1958
Abramson HA, Hewitt MP, L... The stablemate concept of therapy as affected by LSD in schizophrenia J. Psychol. 1958
Fox CL, Einbinder JM, Nel... Comparative inhibition of anaphylaxis in mice by steroids, tranquilize... Am. J. Physiol. 1958
Murphree HB, De Maar EWJ,... Effects of lysergic acid derivatives on man; antagonism between d-lys... J. Pharmacol. & Expe... 1958
Abramson HA, Sklarofsky A... Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) antagonists. II. Development of ... Arch. Neurol. & Psyc... 1958
Greiner T, Burch NR, Edel... Psychopathology and psychophysiology of minimal LSD-25 dosage. A prel... Arch. Neurol. & Psyc... 1958
Apter JT Analeptic action of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) against pentob... Arch. Neurol. Psychi... 1958
Doepfner W, Cerletti A Comparison of lysergic acid derivatives and antihistamines as inhibito... Int. Arch. Allergy 1958
DiStefano V, Leary DE The effect of LSD on inhibitory systems in the spinal cord. Fed. Proc. 1958
Weidmann H, Cerletti A Weiterer Beitrag zur Pharmakologie von D-Lysergsäure-diäthylamid: Die... Helvet. physiol. et ... 1958
Hornykiewicz O, Obenaus H Beeinflussung der blutdrucksenkenden Wirkung von Dopamin und Adrenalin... Wien. klin. Wschr. 1958
Smith CM A new adjunct to the treatment of alcoholism: The hallucinogenic drug... Quart. J. Alcohol 1958
Votava Z, Podvalová I, Se... Studies on the pharmacology of d-lysergic acid cycloalkylamides. Arch. internat. phar... 1958
Costa E, Zetler G Effect of epinephrine on adrenal ascorbic acid following premedication... Proc. Soc. Exper. Bi... 1958
Benassi F Esperienze cliniche sulle attività farmacodinamiche di un antimetaboli... Riv. sper. freniatr. 1958
Birkmayer W, Danielczk W Die vegetative Regulationsfähigkeit im Alter Ges. z. Förderung wi... 1958
Evarts EV Neurophysiological correlates of pharmacologically-induced behavioral ... Res. Publ. A. Nerv. ... 1958
Geiger LE, Cervoni P Effect of d-lysergic acid diethylamide on spinal reflexes. Proc. Soc. Exper. Bi... 1958
Leuner Ueber Modellpsychosen. (8. Lindauer Psychotherapiewoche, Mai 1958) 1958
Bishop PO, Field G, Henne... Action of d-lysergic acid diethylamide on lateral geniculate synapses. J.Neurophysiol. 1958
Cerletti A, Doepfner W Spezifische Steigerung der serotoninantagonistischen Wirkung von Lyser... Helvet. physiol. pha... 1958
Hoffman RA Effect of LSD-25 on body temperature of pigeons. Am.J.Physiol. 1958
Cerletti A The LSD psychosis. Pharmacological aspects of the LSD psychosis. Chemical concepts of... 1958
Monnier M Stimulants hallucinogènes, psychotoniques et analeptiques du système n... XXIst International ... 1959
BOSZORMENYI Z, DER P, NAG... Observations on the psychotogenic effect of N-N diethyltryptamine, a n... J Ment Sci 1959
Wilhelmi G, Schindler W Ueber die gastrotrope Wirkung von 5-Hydroxytryptamine (HTA), seiner Vo... Arch.exper.Path.Phar... 1959
Stähelin H, Taeschler M Beitrag zur Differenzierung der Fieberwirkung von Lipopolysaccharid-Py... Helvet.physiol.pharm... 1959
Costa E, Zetler G Interactions between epinephrine and some psychotomimetic drugs J. Pharmacol. & Expe... 1959
Isbell H Effects of various drugs on the LSD reaction Psychopharmacology F... 1959
Freedman DX, Aghajanian G... Time parameters in acute tolerance, cross tolerance, and antagonism to... Federation Proc. 1959
Delay J, Thuillier J, Nak... Action de la psilocybine sur le comportement des souris normales et de... Compt. Rend. ... 1959
Roubícek J Similarities and dissimilarities between schizophrenia and experimenta... IInd International C... 1959
Leuner M Experimenteller Beitrag zum Widerspruch der Auffassungen von der Schiz... IInd International C... 1959
Boyd ES The metabolism of lysergic acid diethylamide. Arch.internat.pharma... 1959
Maffii G Influenza della mescalina e della dietilamide dell'acido lisergico (LS... Farmaco, Ed.sci. 1959
Balestrieri A Psychotrope Pharmaka und psychische Epilepsie. Erfahrungen mit Weckam... Nervenarzt 1959
Tedeschi DH, Tedeschi RE,... The effects of tryptamine on the central nervous system, including a p... J.Pharmacol.Exper.Th... 1959
Gujral ML, Dhawan BN, Gup... LSD-25 antagonism of morphine analgesia. India J. Physiol. Ph... 1959
Turner WJ, Almudevar M, M... Chemotherapeutic trials in psychosis: III Addendum 2-brom-d-lysergic ... Amer.J.Psychiat. 1959
Perris C Elektromyographische Untersuchungen der Wirkung von LSD 25 auf die neu... Experientia 1959
Cano PG The effects of tranquilizing drugs on tropical fish pha... 1959
Isbell H, Miner EJ, Logan... Relationships of psychotomimetic to anti-serotonin potencies of congen... Psychopharmacologia 1959
Abramson HA Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): XXIV. The response index as a m... J.Psychol. 1959
Bertino JR, Klee GD, Wein... Cholinesterase, d-lysergic acid diethylamide and 2-brom-lysergic acid ... J. Clin. Psychopath. 1959
Matthies H, Sziegoleit W Die Beeinflussung der Acetylcholinreizung peripherer Nervenendigungen ... Naturwissenschaften 1959
Dhawan BN, Gupta GP LSD-25 antagonism of morphine analgesia pha... 1959
Rosenbaum G, Cohen BD, Lu... Comparison of Sernyl with other drugs. Simulation of schizophrenic pe... A.M.A. Arch. Gen. Ps... 1959
Cerletti A Comparison of abnormal behavioral states induced by psychotropic drugs... Neuro-Psychopharmaco... 1959
Melander B, Martens S Experimental studies on taraxein and LSD. Acta psychiat.Scandi... 1959
Divry P, Bobon J, Collard... La "lysergo-analyse" comme technique propédeutique en psychiatrie Neuro-Psychopharmaco... 1959
Chwelos N, Blewett DB, Sm... Use of d-lysergic acid diethylamide in the treatment of alcoholism Quart. J. Stud. Alco... 1959
Klee GD, Weintraub W Paranoid reactions following lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25). Neuro-Psychopharmaco... 1959
Tissot R Essai d'interprétation neuro-physiologique et pharmacologique de quelq... Méd. et Hyg. 1959
Abramson HA Discussion Second Symposium: Methods and analysis of drug-induced abn... Neuro-Psychopharmaco... 1959
Eisner BG Observations on possible order within the unconscious Neuro-Psychopharmaco... 1959
Weckowicz TE The effect of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) on size constancy Canad. psychiat. Ass... 1959
Cohen S The therapeutic potential of LSD-25 A Pharmacologic Appr... 1959
Mahler DJ, Humoller FL Effect of lysergic acid diethylamide and bufotenine on performance of ... Proc. Soc. exper. Bi... 1959
Orsini F, Benda P Etude expérimentale du ralentissement de la performance sous LSD-25. (... Presse med. 1959
Hofmann A, Heim R, Brack ... Psilocybin und Psilocin, zwei psychotrope Wirkstoffe aus mexikanischen... Helv. chim. Acta 1959
J Delay, P Pichot, T Lemp... Effet thérapeutique de la Psilocybine sur une névrose compulsive Ann. Méd. Psychol. 1959
Gnirss F Untersuchungen mit Psilocybin, einem Phantastikum aus dem mexikanische... Schweiz. Arch. Neuro... 1959
Quétin AM La Psilocybine en psychiatrie clinique et expérimentale Doctoral Thesis 1960

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