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All References with Titles containing 'Ort_C' OR with Authors including 'Ort_C' OR with Abstract including 'Ort_C' OR with Keywords including 'Ort_C'

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Delay J, Lhermitte F, Ver... Modifications de l'électrocorticogramme du lapin par la diéthylamide d... Rev. Neurol. 1952
Arnold OH, Hoff H Körperschemastörungen bei LSD 25 Wien. Ztschr. Nerven... 1953
Delay J Etude de l'action du L.S.D.25 sur le lapin Eeg & Clin. Neurophy... 1953
Bradley PB The effect of some drugs on the electrical activity of the brain of th... Eeg & Clin. Neurophy... 1953
Graham JDP, Khalidi AI The actions of d-lysergic acid diethylamide (L.S.D. 25).Part 2. Centra... J. Fac. Med. Iraq 1954
Hoagland H, Rinkel M, Hyd... Adrenocortical function and urinary phosphate excretion. Comparison i... Arch. Neurol. & Psyc... 1955
Marrazzi S, Hart ER Evoked cortical responses under the influence of hallucinogens and rel... EEG & Clin. Neurophy... 1955
Passouant P, Passouant-Fo... The action of LSD 25 on the behaviour and on the cortical and rhinence... EEG Clin. Neurophysi... 1956
Passouant P, Passouant-Fo... Action du L.S.D.25 sur le comportement et les rythmes corticaux et rhi... Compt. rend. Soc. bi... 1956
Milone FF, Gomirato G Osservazioni sugli effetti dell'enteramina (5-idrossitriptamina) nel s... Giorn psichiatr. 1956
Burroughs W Letter From A Master Addict To Dangerous Drugs British Journal of A... 1956
Purpura DP Experimental analysis of the inhibitory action of lysergic acid diethy... Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sc. 1957
Brodie BB, Shore PA A concept for a role of serotonin and norepinephrine as chemical media... Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sc. 1957
Grenell RG Mechanisms of action of psychotherapeutic and related drugs. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sc. 1957
Monroe RR, Heath RG, Mick... Correlation of rhinencephalic electrograms with behavior. A study on ... EEG & Clin. Neurophy... 1957
Sailer S, Stumpf C Reserpinwirkung auf das Kininchen-ECG Arch. exper. Path. P... 1957
Purpura DP, Pool JL, Rans... Observations on evoked dendritic potentials of human cortex EEG Clin. Neurophysi... 1957
Monnier M Topic action of psychotropic drugs on the electrical activity of corte... Psychotropic drugs 1957
Geiger RS Effect of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) and serotonin on adult c... Fed. Proc. 1957
Nadel E, Burstein S, Hoag... Comparative effects of ACTH and LSD on urinary corticosteroids in guin... Amer. J. Physiol. 1957
Purpura DP Origin of cortical surface potentials (Nueropharmaocology. Transaction... Josiah Macy Foundati... 1957
Takagi H, Yamamoto S, Tak... The effect of LSD and reserpine on the central nervous system of the c... Jap. J. Pharmacol. 1958
Yui T, Takeo Y Neuropharmacological studies on a new series of ergot alkaloids. The ... Jap. J. Pharmacol. 1958
Apter JT Analeptic action of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) against pentob... Arch. Neurol. Psychi... 1958
Burgers ACJ, Leemreis W, ... Inhibition of the secretion of intermedine by d-lysergic acid diethyla... Acta endocrin. 1958
Monnier M, Tissot R L'action de la réserpine-sérotonine sur le cerveau; suppression par le... Schweiz. Arch. Neur... 1958
Cerletti A The LSD psychosis. Pharmacological aspects of the LSD psychosis. Chemical concepts of... 1958
Key BJ, Bradley PB Effect of drugs on conditioning and habituation to arousal stimuli in ... Nature 1958
Evarts EV Chemical basis for psychosis. Neuropharmacological contributions to o... Chemical concepts of... 1958
Birkmayer W, Neumayer E Der klinische Aspekt des reticulären Systems. Mehrdimensionale Dia... 1958
Ruiz C Las psicosis experimentales. Estudio comparativo entre las del LSD-25... Frontis 1958
Monnier M Stimulants hallucinogènes, psychotoniques et analeptiques du système n... XXIst International ... 1959
Bliss EL, Clark LD, West ... Studies of sleep deprivation - relationship to schizophrenia. Arch.Neurol. Psychia... 1959
Hoff H, Arnold OH Allgemeine Gesichtspunkte zur Pharmakopsychiatrie Neuro-Psychopharmaco... 1959
Monnier M Action de la Psilocybine sur le cerveau du lapin Experientia 1959
Langfitt TW, Finney LA Effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) on cortical sensory evoked... AMA Arch. Neurol. 1959
Dobkin AB, Harland JH Drugs which stimulate affective behavior. I. Action of lysergic acid ... Anesthesia 1960
Bergen JR, Pincus GG Steroid suppression of LSD induced behavior changes in rats Federation Proc. 1960
Marrazzi AS The action of psychotogens and a neurophysiological theory of hallucin... Amer. J. Psychiat. 1960
Domino EF Effects of LSD-25 on photic driving in monkeys with chronically implan... Electroencep. Clin. ... 1960
Fontana AE, de Álvarez de... Psicoterapia de grupo y dietilamida del ácido lisérgico. Neuvas aport... Acta neuropsiquíat. ... 1960
Yanagisawa Y Effects of LSD-25 on the electrical activities of the rabbit's brain. Psychiat. Neurol. ja... 1960
Krill AE, Wieland AM, Ost... The effect of two hallucinogenic agents on human retinal function AMA Arch. Ophth. 1960
List PH Psychotrope Drogen Pharmazie 1960
Bertino JR, Klee GD, Coll... Clinical studies with dibenzyline and lysergic acid diethylamide J.Clin.Exper.Psychop... 1960
A Cerletti Psychotrope Drogen. Pharmazie 1960
Bradley P Hallucinogenic drugs. Psychopharmacology. Lancet 1961
Brown BB CNS stimulants and electrical brain activity in spontaneously behaving... Fed. Proc. 1961
Koller T, Monnier M Actions électro-physiologiques des stimulants du système nerveux centr... Arch. int Pharmacody... 1961
Koller T Wirkungen sentral stimulierender Pharmaka auf die elektrische Aktivitä... Dissertation 1961
Ganong WF, Goldfien A, Ha... Effect of lysergic acid diethylamide on adrenocortical and adrenal med... Acta endocr. 1961
Mom AM, Ubalton SP, Degan... Esclerosis sistemica progresiva (esclerodermia). Investigación clínica... Med. panamer., No. e... 1961
Monroe RR, Heath RG Effects of lysergic-acid adn various derivatives on depth and cortical... J. Neuropsychiat. 1961
Ursin H The lack of effect of LSD 25 on amygdaloid and cortical attention resp... Psychopharmacologia 1962
Fisher G, Castile D An Investigation to Determine Therapeutic Effectiveness of LSD-25 and ...   1963
Krnjevic K, Phillis JW Actions of certain amines on cerebral cortical neurones Brit. J. Pharmacol. 1963
Sackler AM, Weltman AS, O... Effects of lysergic acid diethylamide on urinary 17-ketosteroid and 17... Nature 1963
Steiner JE, Sulman FG Simultaneous studies of blood sugar, behavioural changes and EEG on th... Archives Internation... 1963
Floru R, Sterescou-Volans... Recherches de psychopharmacologie expérimentale Biochem. Pharmacol. 1963
Eisner BG Notes On the Use of Drugs to Faciliate Group Psychotherapy Psychiatric Quarterl... 1964
Nicoloff NA Corticoviszerale Wechselbeziehungen bei der experimentellen Psychose u... Dissertation 1964
Ara H. Der Marderosian, A... A Uterine Stimulant Effect of Extracts of Morning Glory Seeds The Psychedelic Revi... 1964
Bermond F, Bert J, Ayats ... Etude comparative de l'action de la psilocybine sur les potentiels evo... C R Soc Biol 1967
Dear EM, Malcolm JL A study of the effect of 3,4-dimethoxyphenylethylamine on cortical evo... Int J Neuropharmacol 1967
Bond HW, Guth PS Interaction of 5-hydroxytryptamine and d-lysergic acid diethylamide in... Life Science 1968
Bradshaw CM, Roberts MHT,... Effect of mescaline on single cortical neurones Brit. J. Pharmacol. 1971
Connell PH Hallucinogens Side effects of drug... 1972
Marczynski TJ Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) mimicks the effect of diffuse ligh... Exp Neurol 1972
Domino EF, Bartolini A Effects of various psychotomimetic agents on the EEG and acetylcholine... Neuropharmacoloy 1972
Carlsson A, Bédard P, Lin... The Influence of Nerve Impulse- Flow on the Synthesis and Metabolism o... Biochem.Soc.Symp. 1972
Samanin R, Valzelli L, Gu... Inhibitory effect of midbrain raphe stimulation on cortical evoked pot... Psychopharmacologia 1972
Emboden W Tobacco, The Enigmatic Narcotic From Narcotic Plants... 1972
Alstott RL, Miller AJ, Fo... Report of a human fatality due to caffeine J Forensic Sci 1973
Savage C, McCabe OL Residential psychedelic (LSD) therapy for the narcotic addict. A cont... Arch,Gen,Psychiat. 1973
Wilson J G Present Status of Drugs as Teratogens in Man. Teratology 1973
Haigler HJ, Aghajanian GK A comparison of effects of D-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and sero... Fed Proc 1973
Strassman RJ, Letourneau ... Elongation of axons in an agar matrix that does not support cell locom... Experimental Cell Re... 1973
Bennett JL, Aghajanian GK D-LSD Binding to Brain Homogenates: Possible Relationship to Serotonin... Life Sci 1974
Goldman H, Fischer R Cortical and or Subcortical Effects as a Function of Hallucinogenic Dr... Pharmacologist 1974
Hamon M, Glowinski J Regulatlon of Serotonin Synthesis. Life Sci 1974
Stone TW The changes in basal corticosterone secretion in rats blinded at birth Experientia 1974
Apokhina IP, Bondarenko T... Some General Principles of the Mechanism of Central Action of Psychoto... Zh Nevropath Psikhia... 1975
Colasanti B, Khazan N Electroencephalographic Studies on the Development of Tolerance and Cr... Psychopharmacologia ... 1975
Fischer R, Goldman H Therapeutic Usefulness of Hallucinogenic Drugs as a Function of their ... Pharmakopsychiat 1975
Freedman DX LSD, Psychotogenic Procedures, and Brain Neurohumors. Psychopharmacol Bull 1975
Halaris AE, Freedman DX, ... Plasma Corticoids And Brain Tryptophan After Acute And Tolerance Dosag... Life Sciences 1975
von Hungen K, Roberts S, ... Interactions Between Lysergic Acid Diethylamide And Dopamine-sensitive... Brain Res 1975
Matveev VF, Vorobey VS Some Peculiarities of the Ultrastructures of Neurons of Motor Regions ... Zh.Nevropatol.Psikhi... 1975
Zatz M, Roth RH Electroconvulsive shock raises prostaglandins F in rat cerebral cortex Biochem.Pharmacol. 1975
Bennett JP Jr, Snyder SH Stereospecific binding of D-lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) To Brain ... Brain Research 1975
Brooks DC The Effect of LSD Upon Spontaneous PGO Wave Activity and REM Sleep in ... Neuropharmacology 1975
Klock JC, Boerner U, Beck... Coma, Hyperthermia, and Bleeding Associated with Massive LSD Overdose,... Clinical Toxicology 1975
Fuller DG Severe Solar Maculopathy Associated with the use of Lysergic Acid Diet... Amer. J. Ophthalmol. 1976
Marczynski TJ, Burns LL Reward Contingent Positive Variation (RCPV) and Post-Reinforcement EEG... Gen.Pharmacol. 1976
Trulson ME Role Of Superior Colliculus Serotonin In The Grooming Behaviour Of Cat... Neuropharmacology 1976
Holbrook L, Brown I Antipsychotic Drugs Block LSD-Induced Disaggregation of Brain Polysome... Life Sci. 1977
Mitra G, Poddar MK, Ghosh... Interaction of delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol with Reserpine, Phenobarbi... Toxicol.Appl.Pharmac... 1977
Pickworth WB, Sharpe LG, ... Transcallosally Evoked Potentials And the EEG In The Decerebrate Dog: ... Electroencephalogram... 1977
Stahlendorf JR, Goldstein... Differential Effects Of Subcortical Lysergic Acid Diethylamide And Ser... Fed. Proc. 1977

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