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Erowid Search Results for: 4-bromo-2 5-dimethoxyphenethylamine 2c-b (new 2022 march 29)

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Displaying Results 1381 to 1410 of 7577

Erowid Reference 7279 : Determination of psilocybin in Psilocybe semilanceata by capillary zone electrophoresis : Pedersen-Bjergaard S, Sannes E, Rasmussen KE, Tønnesen F
The Index page for the reference article: Pedersen-Bjergaard S, Sannes E, Rasmussen KE, Tønnesen F Determination of psilocybin in Psilocybe semilanceata by capillary zone electrophoresis J Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl 1997 694(2):375-81
Erowid Reference 8346 : Designer Drugs on the Internet: a Phenomenon Out-of-Control? The Emergence of Hallucinogenic Drug Bromo-Dragonfly : Corazza O, Schifano F, Farre M, Deluca P, Davey Z, Torrens M, Demetrovics Z, Di Furia L, Flesland L, Siemann H, Skutle A, Van Der Kreeft P, Scherbaum N
The Index page for the reference article: Corazza O, Schifano F, Farre M, Deluca P, Davey Z, Torrens M, Demetrovics Z, Di Furia L, Flesland L, Siemann H, Skutle A, Van Der Kreeft P, Scherbaum N Designer Drugs on the Internet: a Phenomenon Out-of-Control? The Emergence of Hallucinogenic Drug Bromo-Dragonfly Curr Clin Pharmacol 2011 6(2):125-9
Bufo alvarius - Colorado River Toad Sonoran Desert Toad
Extensive information about Bufo alvarius, the Colorado River toad, Sonoran Desert toad, including history, data sheet, range distribution map, care and breeding information, photos, audio, stories, links, and more.
Experience Vaults: Cannabis & Cocaine - Smoking a Woo b=Before a Final Exam - 23746
An experience with Cannabis & Cocaine. 'Smoking a Woo b=Before a Final Exam' by Weedwulf
Selegiline (Deprenyl) Vault : Abstract #3
Monoamine oxidase B inhibitors. Current status and future potential'
Cannabis Vault : Exposing Marijuana Myths
Exposing Marijuana Myths - from the Lindesmith Center
Ask Erowid : ID 120 : 5-MeO-DiPT isn't illegal...does that mean it's not harmful?
Ask Erowid Question and Answer: 5-MeO-DiPT isn't illegal...does that mean it's not harmful?
Ask Erowid : ID 2355 : Does taking 5-HTP before MDMA or psychedelics increase the effects?
Ask Erowid Question and Answer: Does taking 5-HTP before MDMA or psychedelics increase the effects?
Ask Erowid : ID 2709 : Is 5-MeO-DMT soluble in water?
Ask Erowid Question and Answer: Is 5-MeO-DMT soluble in water?
Ask Erowid : ID 2747 : Is 5-MEO-AET illegal?
Ask Erowid Question and Answer: Is 5-MEO-AET illegal?
Ask Erowid : ID 2854 : What form does 5-MeO-DMT have to be in to be smoked?
Ask Erowid Question and Answer: What form does 5-MeO-DMT have to be in to be smoked?
Ask Erowid : ID 2860 : Do reactions to 5-MeO-DMT really vary THAT much?
Ask Erowid Question and Answer: Do reactions to 5-MeO-DMT really vary THAT much?
Ask Erowid : ID 3137 : What are the defining characteristics of 5-MeO-DMT?
Ask Erowid Question and Answer: What are the defining characteristics of 5-MeO-DMT?
5-MeO-DALT Vault : Entry from Forthcoming Shulgin Book
Information about 5-MeO-DALT from the Forthcoming Shulgin Book
Online Books : "Mushroom Pioneers" - Ch 5
Mushroom Pioneers by John W. Allen (full text) Ch 5
6-APB (benzo fury) Vault
Information about 6-APB (benzo fury) including basics, effects, dosage, history, legal status, photos, research, media coverage, and links to other resources.
Methoxetamine Vault : Images
Photographs and drawings of methoxetamine (3-MeO-2-Oxo-PCE)
Methoxetamine Vault : Effects
Information about the mental and physical effects of methoxetamine.
Methoxetamine Vault : Chemistry
Information and images about the chemistry of methoxetamine.
Methoxetamine Vault : Dose/Dosage
Information on the typical dose of methoxetamine (MXE).
TMA-2 Vault : Images
Photographs and drawings of TMA-2.
6-APB (benzo fury) Vault : Images
Photographs and drawings of 6-APB (benzo fury)
6-APB Vault : Legal Status
Information on the legal status of 6-APB.
TMA-2 Vault: Dose
Information on TMA-2 dosage.
Ask Erowid : ID 3103 : Does Bromo-Dragonfly fall under the UK ban on phenethylamines?
Ask Erowid Question and Answer: Does Bromo-Dragonfly fall under the UK ban on phenethylamines?
Methiopropamine (MPA) Vault : Images
Photographs and drawings of Methiopropamine (MPA)
Methiopropamine (MPA) Vault : Legal Status
Information on the legal status of methiopropamine (MPA).
Methiopropamine (MPA) Vault : Chemistry
Information and images about the chemistry of methiopropamine (MPA).
Methiopropamine (MPA) Vault : Dose/Dosage
Information on the typical dose of methiopropamine (MPA).

Displaying Results 1381 to 1410 of 7577