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Erowid Search Results for: LSD (new 2022 march 29)

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Displaying Results 1891 to 1920 of 1979

Experience Vaults: LSD & Kava Kava - Kava-flip - 6368
An experience with LSD & Kava Kava. 'Kava-flip' by Tripper
Experience Vaults: LSD, Syrian Rue, Mimosa Hostilis & A. Muscaria - Wild Combination with Mild Euphoria - 54429
An experience with LSD, Syrian Rue, Mimosa Hostilis & A. Muscaria. 'Wild Combination with Mild Euphoria' by Be Leaves
Erowid Reference 6811 : Hallucinogens Recruit Specific Cortical 5-HT2A Receptor-Mediated Signaling Pathways to Affect Behavior : Gonzalez-Maeso J, Weisstaub N, Zhou M, Chan P, Ivic L, Ang R, Lira A, Bradley-Moore M, Ge Y, Zhou Q, Sealfon S
The Index page for the reference article: Gonzalez-Maeso J, Weisstaub N, Zhou M, Chan P, Ivic L, Ang R, Lira A, Bradley-Moore M, Ge Y, Zhou Q, Sealfon S Hallucinogens Recruit Specific Cortical 5-HT2A Receptor-Mediated Signaling Pathways to Affect Behavior Neuron 2007 53(3):439-452
Experience Vaults: LSD, Mushrooms & MDMA (Ecstasy) - The Fugue State - 61093
An experience with LSD, Mushrooms & MDMA (Ecstasy). 'The Fugue State' by Will
Experience Vaults: LSD, MDMA, Alcohol & Diazepam (Valium) - Disturbing Candyflip - 52777
An experience with LSD, MDMA, Alcohol & Diazepam (Valium). 'Disturbing Candyflip' by I Know Kung Fu
Experience Vaults: LSD, MDMA (Ecstasy), Cannabis & Mind Machine - Therapeutic Cathartic Effects of Candyflip - 41568
An experience with LSD, MDMA (Ecstasy), Cannabis & Mind Machine. 'Therapeutic Cathartic Effects of Candyflip' by Shoobie Doo
Experience Vaults: LSD, Mushrooms, Cannabis & MDMA (Ecstasy) - Jedi Mind Tricks - 86863
An experience with LSD, Mushrooms, Cannabis & MDMA (Ecstasy). 'Jedi Mind Tricks' by Ben Kenobi
Experience Vaults: MDMA (Ecstasy), LSD & Cannabis - Life Death Rebirth - 87422
An experience with MDMA (Ecstasy), LSD & Cannabis. 'Life Death Rebirth' by NewRainbowChild
Erowid Reference 90 : MDMA ('ecstasy') consumption in the context of polydrug abuse: a report on 150 patients : Schifano F, Di Furia L, Forza G, Minicuci N, Bricolo R
The Index page for the reference article: Schifano F, Di Furia L, Forza G, Minicuci N, Bricolo R MDMA ('ecstasy') consumption in the context of polydrug abuse: a report on 150 patients Drug Alcohol Depend 1998 52(1):85-90
Erowid Reference 872 : Memory disturbances in 'Ecstasy' users are correlated with an altered brain serotonin neurotransmission : Reneman L, Booij J, Schmand B, van den Brink W, Gunning B
The Index page for the reference article: Reneman L, Booij J, Schmand B, van den Brink W, Gunning B Memory disturbances in 'Ecstasy' users are correlated with an altered brain serotonin neurotransmission Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2000 148(3):322-4
Erowid Reference 6612 : New trends in the cyber and street market of recreational drugs? The case of 2C-T-7 ('Blue Mystic') : Schifano F, Deluca P, Agosti L, Martinotti G, Corkery JM
The Index page for the reference article: Schifano F, Deluca P, Agosti L, Martinotti G, Corkery JM New trends in the cyber and street market of recreational drugs? The case of 2C-T-7 ('Blue Mystic') J Psychopharmacol 2005 19(6):675-679
Erowid Reference 8483 : Emerging psychoactive substance use among regular ecstasy users in Australia : Bruno R, Matthews AJ, Dunn M, Alati R, McIlwraith F, Hickey S, Burns L, Sindicich N
The Index page for the reference article: Bruno R, Matthews AJ, Dunn M, Alati R, McIlwraith F, Hickey S, Burns L, Sindicich N Emerging psychoactive substance use among regular ecstasy users in Australia Drug Alcohol Depend 2011
Erowid Reference 8353 : Correlates of Salvia divinorum use in a national sample: Findings from the National Survey on drug use and health : Ford JA, Watkins WC, Blumenstein L
The Index page for the reference article: Ford JA, Watkins WC, Blumenstein L Correlates of Salvia divinorum use in a national sample: Findings from the National Survey on drug use and health Addictive Behaviors 2011
Bufo alvarius - Colorado River Toad Sonoran Desert Toad 5-MeO-DMT
Extensive information about Bufo alvarius, the Colorado River toad, Sonoran Desert toad, including the preparation and effects of its secretions, with photos, stories, links, and more.
Synthesis of Adrafinil and Modafinil - []
Experience Vaults: Cacti (also San Pedro, Peruvianus) Main Index
A categorized index into experiences with Cacti
Experience Vaults: Cocaine (also Crack, Coca) Main Index
A categorized index into experiences with Cocaine
Experience Vaults: Pharms - Fluoxetine (also Prozac) Main Index
A categorized index into experiences with Pharms - Fluoxetine
Experience Vaults: Inhalants (also Glue, Freon, Propellants, Solvents) Main Index
A categorized index into experiences with Inhalants
Experience Vaults: Pharms - Alprazolam (also Xanax) Main Index
A categorized index into experiences with Pharms - Alprazolam
Experience Vaults: Nitrous Oxide (also Whippets) Main Index
A categorized index into experiences with Nitrous Oxide
Experience Vaults: 5-MeO-DMT Main Index
A categorized index into experiences with 5-MeO-DMT
Experience Vaults: MDMA (also Ecstasy, E, X) Main Index
A categorized index into experiences with MDMA
Experience Vaults: Amanitas (also A. muscaria, pantherina) Main Index
A categorized index into experiences with Amanitas
Experience Vaults: Opiates Main Index
A categorized index into experiences with Opiates
Experience Vaults: Ketamine (also Ketalar, Ketaset) Main Index
A categorized index into experiences with Ketamine
Experience Vaults: Pharms - Diazepam (also Valium) Main Index
A categorized index into experiences with Pharms - Diazepam
Experience Vaults: Cannabis (also marijuana) Main Index
A categorized index into experiences with Cannabis
Experience Vaults: Datura (also Jimson Weed, Thorn Apple) Main Index
A categorized index into experiences with Datura
Phalaris Vault : FAQ 2.01
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about DMT containing plants

Displaying Results 1891 to 1920 of 1979