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Erowid Search Results for: dmt (new 2022 march 29)

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Displaying Results 883 to 912 of 984

Experience Vaults: LSD & DMT - Mutual Experience of the Ever Present Now - 61042
An experience with LSD & DMT. 'Mutual Experience of the Ever Present Now' by Galactic Reset
Experience Vaults: DMT - In the Rabbit Hole, Through the Looking Glass - 75937
An experience with DMT. 'In the Rabbit Hole, Through the Looking Glass' by Jamin
Experience Vaults: DMT & LSD - A Long Strange Trip It's Been... - 32132
An experience with DMT & LSD. 'A Long Strange Trip It's Been...' by Dave
Experience Vaults: DMT & Marijuana - 'The Calling' - A Return Journey of Awakening - 82862
An experience with DMT & Marijuana. ''The Calling' - A Return Journey of Awakening' by Rising Spirit
Experience Vaults: DMT & Nitrous Oxide - Visting Friends in Another Universe - 74289
An experience with DMT & Nitrous Oxide. 'Visting Friends in Another Universe' by Psychonaut Om Elf
Experience Vaults: DMT & LSD - Kaleidoscopic Leaves and Branches - 83785
An experience with DMT & LSD. 'Kaleidoscopic Leaves and Branches' by Hypersphere
Experience Vaults: DMT crystal - Friends From New Dimensions - 7143
An experience with DMT crystal. 'Friends From New Dimensions' by Birdseye
Experience Vaults: Huasca Combo - I Learned to Stop Reality and Love Psychedelics - 1769
An experience with Huasca Combo. 'I Learned to Stop Reality and Love Psychedelics' by Dr. DMT
Experience Vaults: Syrian Rue, Cacti - T. peruvianus, 2C-E, 4-AcO-DMT & DMT - A New Alloy Blooms in the Crucible - 64048
An experience with Syrian Rue, Cacti - T. peruvianus, 2C-E, 4-AcO-DMT & DMT. 'A New Alloy Blooms in the Crucible ' by Nowhereman
Experience Vaults: Harmala Extract, Psilocybin Mushrooms, & DMT - Slipping through the Coil of Space and Time - 10437
An experience with Harmala Extract, Psilocybin Mushrooms, & DMT. 'Slipping through the Coil of Space and Time' by Fu (DMT 333)
Archives: Psychonaut: Mindbender: Deep Salvia Voyage - LSD + Salvia
Ayahuasca Vaults : Santo Daime Wins Court Decision, March 2009
The Santo Daime Church won a decision in a lower court ruling allowing ayahuasca importation.
Ayahuasca Vault : Notes on Brazilian Ayahuasca Law
Notes about the legal status of ayahuasca and its contituent plants in Brazil
Ayahuasca Vault : Law : UDV Ayahuaca Legal Case Starts in New Mexico
A news story from Santa Fe New about a case which might be the first solid ruling on whether ayahuasca use can be protected under the First Amendment as a religious practice.
Ayahuasca Vault : Ayahuasca Plants Seized by DEA, Jan 2001
An article describing the trial of Santo Diame organizers for possession of ayahuasca
Ayahuasca Vault : Law : UDV Wins Preliminary Injunction In New Mexico (August 12, 2002)
A brief news story about an Ayahuasca using church which won a preliminary injunction against the seizure of their sacramental Ayahuasca tea on the basis of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Ayahuasca Vault : Law : Ayahuasca Not Illegal in France (Jan 2005)
A brief story about Paris Court of Appeal acquittal of five French and one Brazilian Daimistas (Jan 2005)
Ayahuasca Vault : Law : France Controls Ayahuasca Plants and Chemicals (May 2005
A brief story about the French government adding ayahuasca admixture plants to the list of controlled substances in May 2005
Ayahuasca Vault : Law : UDV New Mexico Ayahuasca Case Timeline
A brief news story about an Ayahuasca using church which won a preliminary injunction against the seizure of their sacramental Ayahuasca tea on the basis of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Ayahuasca Vault : Law : Appeals Court Affirms UDV Preliminary Injunction (Nov 2004)
A brief story about a second-level appellate agreement with a lower federal court about the UDV's right to continue ayahuasca use during the case
Ayahuasca Vault : Law : Appeals Court Affirms UDV Preliminary Injunction (Sep 2003)
A brief story about an appellate agreement with a lower federal court about the UDV's right to continue ayahuasca use during the case
Ayahuasca Vaults : UDV Wins Supreme Court Decision on Preliminary Injunction
The UDV Church won a decision in the Supreme Court of the United States backing a preliminary injunction which allows them to use their DMT-containing hoasca tea.
Experience Vaults: DMT, LSD & Cannabis - The Puppeteer in the Swirling Prismatic Void - 82837
An experience with DMT, LSD & Cannabis. 'The Puppeteer in the Swirling Prismatic Void' by Flamineo
Experience Vaults: LSD, DMT & Cannabis - Riding Her Voice - 65793
An experience with LSD, DMT & Cannabis. 'Riding Her Voice' by Elevation
Experience Vaults: LSD, MDMA, 5-MeO-DMT (separately) - HPPD is Real - 7819
An experience with LSD, MDMA, 5-MeO-DMT (separately). 'HPPD is Real' by Something To Kick
Experience Vaults: LSD, 5-MeO-DMT, Diazepam & Alprazolam - Where I Fucked Up - 43716
An experience with LSD, 5-MeO-DMT, Diazepam & Alprazolam. 'Where I Fucked Up' by Ifuckedup
Experience Vaults: LSD, MDMA (Ecstacy), & 5-MeO-DMT - Heaven, Hell and Lost Friendships - 13001
An experience with LSD, MDMA (Ecstacy), & 5-MeO-DMT. 'Heaven, Hell and Lost Friendships' by Anonymous
Experience Vaults: Banisteriopsis caapi, DMT & LSD - Lost For Words - 67591
An experience with Banisteriopsis caapi, DMT & LSD. 'Lost For Words' by Sam
Experience Vaults: DMT (Phalaris extract) & Cannabis - Never Underestimate the Power of Grass - 28201
An experience with DMT (Phalaris extract) & Cannabis. 'Never Underestimate the Power of Grass' by Hypersphere
Experience Vaults: DMT (Extracted from Mimosa tenuiflora) & Cannabis - The Trip Fantastic - 65384
An experience with DMT (Extracted from Mimosa tenuiflora) & Cannabis. 'The Trip Fantastic' by Z

Displaying Results 883 to 912 of 984