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Erowid Search Results for: phenyl-2-nitropropene (new 2022 march 29)

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Displaying Results 1411 to 1440 of 2696

Library/Bookstore : 'Transfigurations'
'Transfigurations' by Alex Grey
Library/Bookstore : 'The Psychedelic Experience'
'Psychedelic Experience : A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead' by Timothy Leary, Ralph Metzner, and Richard Alpert
Library/Bookstore : 'The Wondrous Mushroom: Mycolatry in Mesoamerica'
'The Wondrous Mushroom: Mycolatry in Mesoamerica' by R. Gordon Wasson
Library/Bookstore : 'Natural Magic'
'Natural Magic', by Donald E. Teeter
Library/Bookstore : 'The War on Drugs II'
'The War on Drugs II' by James Inciardi
Library/Bookstore : 'Toads & Toadstools'
'Toads and Toadstools: The Natural History, Folklore, and Cultural Oddities of a Strange Association' by Adrian Morgan
Library/Bookstore : 'Dictionary of Aphrodisiacs'
'Dictionary of Aphrodisiacs' by Harry E. Wedeck
Library/Bookstore : 'Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Therapy'
'Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Therapy' by Argyll Campbell and E.P. Poulton
Library/Bookstore : 'The Psychedelic Sacrament: Manna, Meditation, and Mystical Experience'
'The Psychedelic Sacrament: Manna, Meditation, and Mystical Experience' by Dan Merkur
Library/Bookstore : 'Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use'
'Perspectives on the History of Psychoactive Substance Use' by NIDA
Library/Bookstore : 'Hashish: Studies of Long-Term Use'
'Hashish: Studies of Long-Term Use', by Stefanis, Dornbush, and Fink
Library/Bookstore : 'Growing Gourmet & Medicinal Mushrooms'
'Growing Gourmet & Medicinal Mushrooms' by Paul Stamets
Library/Bookstore : 'The Only Dance There Is'
'The Only Dance There Is' by Ram Dass
Library/Bookstore : 'Forest of Visions'
'Forest of Visions: Ayahuasca, Amazonian Spirituality, and the Santo Daime Tradition' by Alex Polari de Alverga
Library/Bookstore : 'Hallucinogens and Shamanism'
'Hallucinogens and Shamanism', edited by Michael J. Harner
Library/Bookstore : 'The Essential Psychedelic Guide'
'The Essential Psychedelic Guide' by D.M. Turner
Library/Bookstore : 'Designer-Drug Abuse'
'Designer-Drug Abuse' by Michele McCormick
Library/Bookstore : 'Sacred Mushroom of Visions'
'Sacred Mushroom of Visions' edited by Ralph Metzner
Library/Bookstore : 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance'
'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance : An Inquiry into Values' by Robert Pirsig
Library/Bookstore : 'Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries'
'Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries', by George E. Mylonas
Library/Bookstore : 'Conversaciones con Maria Sabina'
'Conversaciones con María Sabina' by Enrique González Rubio
Library/Bookstore : 'The Dictionary of Sacred & Magical Plants'
'The Dictionary of Sacred and Magical Plants', by Christian Ratsch
Library/Bookstore : 'The Mad Artist: Psychonautic Adventures in the 1970s'
'The Mad Artist: Psychonautic Adventures in the 1970s' by Roger Keen
Library/Bookstore : 'Food of the Gods'
'Food of the Gods' by Terence McKenna
Library/Bookstore : 'The Ibogaine Story'
'The Ibogaine Story: Report on the Staten Island Project' by Paul de Rienzo, Dana Beal & Members of the Project
Library/Bookstore : 'Drugs and Crime'
'Drugs and Crime' edited by Michael Tonry and James Wilson
Library/Bookstore : 'Physiology of Respiration'
'Physiology of Respiration' by Michael Hlastala & Albert Berger
Library/Bookstore : 'Internet Guide to Herbal Remedies'
'Internet Guide to Herbal Remedies' by David J. Owen
Library/Bookstore : 'Devils, Drugs, & Doctors'
'Devils, Drugs, & Doctors' by Howard Haggard
Library/Bookstore : 'Dirty'
'Dirty: A Search for Answers Inside America's Teenage Drug Epidemic' by Meredith Maran

Displaying Results 1411 to 1440 of 2696