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Erowid Search Results for: synthesis of amphetamine (new 2022 march 29)

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Displaying Results 11731 to 11760 of 11964

Psilocybin Mushroom Vault : Effects
Information about the mental and physical effects of Psilocybin Mushrooms.
Psilocybin Mushroom Vault: Basics
A summary of basic information about Psilocybin Mushrooms and their use.
Psilocybin Mushroom Vault : Wasson's First Voyage
Wasson's First Voyage: The Rediscovery of Entheogenic Mushrooms, by John W. Allen
Psilocybin Mushroom Vault : Images
Photographs and drawings of sacred and psilocybin/psilocyn containing mushrooms
Psilocybin Mushroom Vault : Drug Testing
A bit of information on psilocybin, psilocin, and the risks that they'll show up in a drug test.
Lagochilus Vault : Images
Photographs and drawings of Lagochilus inebrians (Intoxicating Mint)
Mimosa (Jurema) Vault : Bits & Pieces
Bits & Pieces of miscellaneous info about psychoactive mimosa (jurema).
Mimosa (Jurema) Vault : Legal Status
Information on the legal status of Mimosa (Jurema).
Anadenanthera (Yopo) Vault : Bits & Pieces
Bits & Pieces of miscellaneous info about Anadenanthera species used as psychoactives and medicines (yopo)
Acacia Vault : Images
Photographs and drawings of DMT containing Acacia species.
Kava Vault : Images
Photographs and drawings of Kava kava
Cannabis Vault : Images
Photographs and drawings of Cannabis Sativa & Indica... plants, buds, and related items
Ololiuqui (Turbina/Rivea corymbosa) Vault : Images
Photographs and drawings of Ololiuqui (Turbina/Rivea corymbosa), related chemicals, and their natural plant sources.
Arundo donax Vault : Images
Photographs and drawings of Arundo donax (river reed)
Syrian Rue Vault : Images
Photographs and drawings of Syrian Rue (Peganum harmala)
Coca Vault : Images
Photographs and drawings of cocaine and the coca plant
Wormwood Vault : Images
Photographs and drawings of absinthe and it's source plants
Psychoactive Law Vault : Volstead Act
The full text of the Volstead Act which enacted alcohol prohibition in 1920.
Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Vault : Effects
Information about the mental and physical effects of Hawaiian Baby Woodrose (Argyraea nervosa).
Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Vault : Legal Status
Information on the legal status of Hawaiian Baby Woodrose (Argyreia nervosa).
Datura Vault : Chemistry
Information and images about the chemistry of Datura.
Arundo donax Vault : Legal Status
Information on the legal status of Arundo donax.
Wild Lettuce Vault : Legal Status
Information on the legal status of wild lettuce.
Modafinil Vault (Provigil, Modavigil) : Effects
Information about the mental and physical effects of Modafinil (Provigil, Modavigil).
Salvia divinorum Vault: Basics
A summary of basic information about Salvia divinorum and its use.
Datura Vault: Basics
A summary of basic information about Datura and its use.
Salvia divinorum Vault : Dose
Information about the dosage of Salvia divinorum.
Syrian Rue Vault : Chemistry
Information and images about the chemistry of Syrian Rue (Peganum harmala).
Datura Vault : Bits & Pieces
Bits & Pieces of miscellaneous info about Datura.
Peyote Vault : Article #1 on Traditional Use
'Shamanism and Peyote Use Among the Apaches of the Mescalero Indian Reservation', from _Hallucinogens and Shamanism_ by Michael J. Harner.

Displaying Results 11731 to 11760 of 11964