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Erowid Search Results for: synthesis of amphetamine (new 2022 march 29)

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Displaying Results 5641 to 5670 of 11964

Erowid Reference 8124 : An Investigation to Determine Therapeutic Effectiveness of LSD-25 and Psilocybin on Hospitalized Severely Emotionally Disturbed Children : Fisher G, Castile D
The Index page for the reference article: Fisher G, Castile D An Investigation to Determine Therapeutic Effectiveness of LSD-25 and Psilocybin on Hospitalized Severely Emotionally Disturbed Children 1963
Erowid Reference 7095 : Alpha1-adrenergic receptors mediate the locomotor response to systemic administration of (+/-)-3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in rats : Selken J, Nichols DE
The Index page for the reference article: Selken J, Nichols DE Alpha1-adrenergic receptors mediate the locomotor response to systemic administration of (+/-)-3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in rats Pharmacol Biochem Behav 2007 86(4):622-30
Erowid Reference 6441 : Neurotoxicity of MDMA (ecstasy): beyond metabolism : Sprague JE, Nichols DE
The Index page for the reference article: Sprague JE, Nichols DE Neurotoxicity of MDMA (ecstasy): beyond metabolism Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 2005 26(2):59-60
Erowid Reference 7479 : Dopamine D(4) receptor involvement in the discriminative stimulus effects in rats of LSD, but not the phenethylamine hallucinogen DOI : Marona-Lewicka D, Chemel BR, Nichols DE
The Index page for the reference article: Marona-Lewicka D, Chemel BR, Nichols DE Dopamine D(4) receptor involvement in the discriminative stimulus effects in rats of LSD, but not the phenethylamine hallucinogen DOI Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2009 203(2):265-77
Experience Vaults: Ecstasy - MDMA Induced Loss of Heroin Addiction - 2312
An experience with Ecstasy. 'MDMA Induced Loss of Heroin Addiction' by Ripped
Erowid Reference 3266 : Coma, Hyperthermia, and Bleeding Associated with Massive LSD Overdose, A Report of Eight Cases : Klock JC, Boerner U, Becker CE
The Index page for the reference article: Klock JC, Boerner U, Becker CE Coma, Hyperthermia, and Bleeding Associated with Massive LSD Overdose, A Report of Eight Cases Clinical Toxicology 1975 8(2):191-203
Pie-fight Tonight: Eleusis vs. Uncle Fester
Erowid Reference 6810 : Ethnopharmacognosy and Human Pharmacology of Salvia divinorum and Salvinorin A : Ott J
The Index page for the reference article: Ott J Ethnopharmacognosy and Human Pharmacology of Salvia divinorum and Salvinorin A Curare 1995 18(1):103-129
Erowid Reference 7044 : Oxytocin as a possible mediator of SSRI-induced antidepressant effects : Uvnäs-Moberg K, Bjökstrand E, Hillegaart V, Ahlenius S
The Index page for the reference article: Uvnäs-Moberg K, Bjökstrand E, Hillegaart V, Ahlenius S Oxytocin as a possible mediator of SSRI-induced antidepressant effects Psychopharmacology (Berl) 1999 142(1):95-101
Erowid Reference 6961 : A role for oxytocin and 5-HT(1A) receptors in the prosocial effects of 3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('ecstasy') : Thompson MR, Callaghan PD, Hunt GE, Cornish JL, McGregor IS
The Index page for the reference article: Thompson MR, Callaghan PD, Hunt GE, Cornish JL, McGregor IS A role for oxytocin and 5-HT(1A) receptors in the prosocial effects of 3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('ecstasy') Neuroscience 2007
Erowid Reference 7309 : Central effects of 1,4-butanediol are mediated by GABA(B) receptors via its conversion into gamma-hydroxybutyric acid : Carai MA, Colombo G, Reali R, Serra S, Mocci I, Castelli MP, Cignarella G, Gessa GL
The Index page for the reference article: Carai MA, Colombo G, Reali R, Serra S, Mocci I, Castelli MP, Cignarella G, Gessa GL Central effects of 1,4-butanediol are mediated by GABA(B) receptors via its conversion into gamma-hydroxybutyric acid Eur J Pharmacol 2002 441(3):157-63
Experience Vaults: Datura - Advice for Sitters of Datura Trippers - 27296
An experience with Datura. 'Advice for Sitters of Datura Trippers' by Daisy
Experience Vaults: Nelumbo nucifera, Cannabis & Alcohol - The Sacred Lotus: Lotus Extract - 82925
An experience with Nelumbo nucifera, Cannabis & Alcohol. 'The Sacred Lotus: Lotus Extract ' by lazer viking
Erowid Reference 7341 : Poison on line--acute renal failure caused by oil of wormwood purchased through the Internet : Weisbord SD, Soule JB, Kimmel PL
The Index page for the reference article: Weisbord SD, Soule JB, Kimmel PL Poison on line--acute renal failure caused by oil of wormwood purchased through the Internet N Engl J Med 1997 337(12):825-7
Erowid Reference 6160 : Neurometabolic effects of psilocybin, 3,4-methylenedioxyethylamphetamine (MDE) and d-methamphetamine in healthy volunteers. A double-blind, placebo-controlled PET study with [18F]FDG : Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Schreckenberger M, Sabri O, Arning C, Thelen B, Spitzer M, Kovar KA, Hermle L, Bull U, Sass H.
The Index page for the reference article: Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Schreckenberger M, Sabri O, Arning C, Thelen B, Spitzer M, Kovar KA, Hermle L, Bull U, Sass H. Neurometabolic effects of psilocybin, 3,4-methylenedioxyethylamphetamine (MDE) and d-methamphetamine in healthy volunteers. A double-blind, placebo-controlled PET study with [18F]FDG Neuropsychopharmacology 1999 20(6):565-81
Erowid Reference 7283 : Honey with Psilocybe mushrooms: a revival of a very old preparation on the drug market? : Bogusz MJ, Maier RD, Schäfer AT, Erkens M
The Index page for the reference article: Bogusz MJ, Maier RD, Schäfer AT, Erkens M Honey with Psilocybe mushrooms: a revival of a very old preparation on the drug market? Int J Legal Med 1998 111(3):147-50
Erowid Reference 7286 : [The toxicological aspects of poisonings by psilocybine-containing mushrooms] : Babakhanian RV, Bushuev ES, Kazankov SP, Kostyrko TA
The Index page for the reference article: Babakhanian RV, Bushuev ES, Kazankov SP, Kostyrko TA [The toxicological aspects of poisonings by psilocybine-containing mushrooms] Sud Med Ekspert 1997 40(3):20-2
Erowid Reference 7285 : [The morphofunctional changes in the internal organs in the modelling of poisonings by psilocybine-containing mushrooms] : Babakhanian RV, Ivanova GV, Kostyrko TA, Safraĭ AE, Iagmurov OD
The Index page for the reference article: Babakhanian RV, Ivanova GV, Kostyrko TA, Safraĭ AE, Iagmurov OD [The morphofunctional changes in the internal organs in the modelling of poisonings by psilocybine-containing mushrooms] Sud Med Ekspert 1999 42(3):6-9
Erowid Reference 7280 : [Consumption of psilocybin-containing hallucinogenic mushrooms by young people] : Lassen JF, Lassen NF, Skov J
The Index page for the reference article: Lassen JF, Lassen NF, Skov J [Consumption of psilocybin-containing hallucinogenic mushrooms by young people] Ugeskr Laeger 1992 154(39):2678-81
Erowid Reference 7278 : Analysis of psilocybin and psilocin in Psilocybe subcubensis Guzmán by ion mobility spectrometry and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry : Keller T, Schneider A, Regenscheit P, Dirnhofer R, Rücker T, Jaspers J, Kisser W
The Index page for the reference article: Keller T, Schneider A, Regenscheit P, Dirnhofer R, Rücker T, Jaspers J, Kisser W Analysis of psilocybin and psilocin in Psilocybe subcubensis Guzmán by ion mobility spectrometry and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry Forensic Sci Int 1999 99(2):93-105
Erowid Reference 6790 : 5-HT modulation of dopamine release in basal ganglia in psilocybin-induced psychosis in man--a PET study with [11C]raclopride : Vollenweider FX, Vontobel P, Hell D, Leenders KL
The Index page for the reference article: Vollenweider FX, Vontobel P, Hell D, Leenders KL 5-HT modulation of dopamine release in basal ganglia in psilocybin-induced psychosis in man--a PET study with [11C]raclopride Neuropsychopharmacology 1999 20(5):424-33
Experience Vaults: Ketamine - Into The Weed: The Scary World of Special K - 9515
An experience with Ketamine. 'Into The Weed: The Scary World of Special K' by Big_G
DXM Vault : DXM FAQ - Appendices
DXM FAQ : Appendices, by William White
Experience Vaults: Salvia divinorum - Summary of 3 Salvia Experiences - 3762
An experience with Salvia divinorum. 'Summary of 3 Salvia Experiences' by Itsuoda
Erowid Reference 7243 : The effects of sigma, PCP, and opiate receptor ligands in rats trained with ibogaine as a discriminative stimulus : Helsley S, Filipink RA, Bowen WD, Rabin RA, Winter JC
The Index page for the reference article: Helsley S, Filipink RA, Bowen WD, Rabin RA, Winter JC The effects of sigma, PCP, and opiate receptor ligands in rats trained with ibogaine as a discriminative stimulus Pharmacol Biochem Behav 1998 59(2):495-503
Erowid Reference 6513 : The presence of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) and gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) in alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages : Elliott S, Burgess V
The Index page for the reference article: Elliott S, Burgess V The presence of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) and gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) in alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages Forensic Sci Int 2005 151(2-3):289-92
: Chem-Compare : psilocybin_3d vs tryptophan_3d
Chemistry Molecule Comparator for 2D and 3D image files
Erowid Reference 6738 : Addressing the efficacy of dihydrocodeine versus methadone as an alternative maintenance treatment for opiate dependence: a randomized controlled trial : Robertson JR, Raab GM, Bruce M, McKenzie JS, Storkey HR, Salter A
The Index page for the reference article: Robertson JR, Raab GM, Bruce M, McKenzie JS, Storkey HR, Salter A Addressing the efficacy of dihydrocodeine versus methadone as an alternative maintenance treatment for opiate dependence: a randomized controlled trial Addiction 2006 101(12):1752-9
Erowid Reference 8434 : Fatal poisoning from ingestion of Datura stramonium seeds : Boumba VA, Mitselou A, Vougiouklakis T
The Index page for the reference article: Boumba VA, Mitselou A, Vougiouklakis T Fatal poisoning from ingestion of Datura stramonium seeds Vet Hum Toxicol 2004 46(2):81-2
Experience Vaults: Blue Lotus, Alcohol, GHV - Blue Lotus & Some Combinations - 8370
An experience with Blue Lotus, Alcohol, GHV. 'Blue Lotus & Some Combinations' by Renwick

Displaying Results 5641 to 5670 of 11964