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Erowid Search Results for: synthesis of thc (new 2022 march 29)

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Displaying Results 9871 to 9900 of 11422

Experience Vaults: Blue Lotus, Salvia divinorum, Cannabis & Alcohol - Didn't Feel Like Moving - 52494
An experience with Blue Lotus, Salvia divinorum, Cannabis & Alcohol. 'Didn't Feel Like Moving' by Sonnet
Experience Vaults: Salvia divinorum, LSD, Betel Nut & Methamphetamine - How Not to Smoke Salvia Divinorum - 3822
An experience with Salvia divinorum, LSD, Betel Nut & Methamphetamine. 'How Not to Smoke Salvia Divinorum' by Mobius
Psychoactive Vaults : LD50s & Material Saftey Data Sheets
A chart describing the approximate LD50s of a list of entheogens in comparison with several common substances such as aspirin and acetaminophen/paracetamol.
Syrian Rue Vaults: Extraction 2 : Acetic Acid Extract (per Mankse)
A description of an extraction of harmala from Syrian Rue seeds using Acetic Acid
Library/Bookstore : 'Marihuana Reconsidered'
'Marihuana Reconsidered: The most thorough evaluation of the benefits and dangers of cannabis' by Lester Grinspoon, M.D.
DXM Vault : Media : "Man admits to selling hallucinogen", Jan 17 2008
'Man admits to selling hallucinogen' - A news report in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch about a man pleading guilty to distribution of a large amount of DXM.
The Erowid Library contains a list of thousands of books related to psychoactive drugs, including publication information, cover images, reviews, and purchasing information. It also includes online books, information about related videos, music, and periodicals.
Library/Bookstore : 'Peyote'
'Peyote: A Compelling Study of the Sacramental Use of the Native American Hallucinogen' by Alice Marriott & Carol K. Rachlin
MDMA Vault : Use Statistics
Information about the levels of use of MDMA (Ecstasy).
LSD (Acid) Vault : Myth about Permanent Presence (LSD stays in your body/spine/brain forever)
A description of the metabolization process of LSD...debunking the myth that LSD remains in your body forever.
LSD (Acid) Vaults: Alt.Drugs LSD FAQ, 1994
An edited collection of information about LSD organized into a set of questions and answers (FAQ) from a popular Usenet (pre-web) discussion group.
LSD (Acid) Vaults: Health: Myth: LSD and Chromosome Damage
A brief description of the erroneous science bubble that occurred around the issue of LSD causing chromosome damage between 1967 and 1971
The Erowid Library contains a list of thousands of books related to psychoactive drugs, including publication information, cover images, reviews, and purchasing information. It also includes online books, information about related videos, music, and periodicals.
Library/Bookstore : 'Ayahuasca'
'Ayahuasca: The Visionary & Healing Powers of the Vine of the Soul' by Joan Parisi Wilcox
Cannabis Vault : Use Statistics
Information about the levels of use of Cannabis (Marijuana).
MDMA Vault : Images
Dozens of Photographs and drawings of MDMA and ecstasy
Psychoactive Vaults : Hallucinogen Persisting Perceptual Disorder (HPPD) / Post-Hallucinogen Perceptual Disorder (PHPD)
Information and links about Hallucinogen Post Perceptual Disorder (HPPD) and persisting visual disturbances resulting from use of psychoactives.
Experience Vaults: LSD Reports in category: Families
A list of experiences with LSD in category Families
Experience Vaults: LSD Reports in category: General
A list of experiences with LSD in category General
Experience Vaults: LSD Reports in category: Addiction & Habituation
A list of experiences with LSD in category Addiction & Habituation
Experience Vaults: LSD Reports in category: Medical Use
A list of experiences with LSD in category Medical Use
Experience Vaults: LSD Reports in category: First Times
A list of experiences with LSD in category First Times
Experience Vaults: LSD Reports in category: Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters
A list of experiences with LSD in category Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters
Experience Vaults: LSD Reports in category: Mystical Experiences
A list of experiences with LSD in category Mystical Experiences
Experience Vaults: LSD Reports in category: Health Benefits
A list of experiences with LSD in category Health Benefits
Experience Vaults: LSD Reports in category: Retrospective / Summary
A list of experiences with LSD in category Retrospective / Summary
Experience Vaults: LSD Reports in category: Glowing Experiences
A list of experiences with LSD in category Glowing Experiences
Experience Vaults: LSD Reports in category: Health Problems
A list of experiences with LSD in category Health Problems
Experience Vaults: LSD Reports in category: Preparation / Recipes
A list of experiences with LSD in category Preparation / Recipes
Experience Vaults: LSD Reports in category: Combinations
A list of experiences with LSD in category Combinations

Displaying Results 9871 to 9900 of 11422