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Search Results
All reports with author name including 'R'
(17227 Total)

[17201 - 17300 of 17227]
Kava Collection Various Kava Kava 2000 Jun 19
Psychosomatic Relaxation Brand Kava Kava 2000 Jun 19
Bad Trip in Amsterdam VortX GHB 2000 Jun 19
A $6,000 Bill Fairlane 1,4-Butanediol 2000 Jun 19
The Door was Open the Whole Time Preston Landers DXM 2000 Jun 19
Words Fail to Describe Preston Landers DXM 2000 Jun 16
Foreign Surroundings David McIntyre DXM 2000 Jun 16
I Felt my Soul being Ripped from my Body Raoul DXM 2000 Jun 16
The Best Night Ever Roy Ecstasy 2000 Jun 15
A Couple Notes Guru MDMA 2000 Jun 14
Paranoid Delusions Trevor Hughes Datura Seeds 2000 Jun 14
Naked Delusional Cleaning Gordon Kelley Datura Seeds 2000 Jun 14
Like Floating Brian Curcio Datura 2000 Jun 14
Jimson Weed R. Hammersley Datura 2000 Jun 14
Cocaine Overdose Christina Cocaine 2000 Jun 14
Can't Bring Me Down Chris Cocaine 2000 Jun 14
A Waste of Time and Money Erica Cocaine 2000 Jun 14
Dangers of a Nitrous Tank ChaosJRH LSD, Nitrous Oxide & Cannabis - Hash 2000 Jun 13
First Relaxed then Aggravated briggvsv Ecstasy 2000 Jun 13
Micro-dots and Rolled Up Dollar Bills Anarch_e LSD (snorted) 2000 Jun 13
Roller Blades and the Big Mistake Charlie Edgemar DXM 2000 Jun 13
Brief but Violent Illness Kurt Seefeldt Amanita muscaria 2000 Jun 11
Delirium Todd Berry Amanita muscaria 2000 Jun 11
Seeing Myself Gloworm Ecstasy 2000 Jun 10
Cure for the Down Random Error Cocaine 2000 May 31
Not as Good as it Sounds aaron Cocaine 2000 May 31
The Highest Heights and Lowest Depths Scarlett Jane Ecstasy 2000 May 30

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NOTE: There are 1065 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
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