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Reports from Jun 2 2018 - Jun 2 2018
All Reports
(12 Total)

Pleasant, Mild with Low Dose Gingerbreadwoman1 4-AcO-DMT & Vortioxetine 2018 Jun 02
Chewed and Spat into Ice Bucket Alexander Shulgin Kava Kava 2018 Jun 02
No Dark Corners Alexander Shulgin Peyote 2018 Jun 02
Part of the Pottery Wristrock Salvia divinorum (12x extract) 2018 Jun 02
Psycholyse-Sitzungen (1970) und Folgende Jahre Hans M Mescaline 2018 Jun 02
Robot Overlords and Waiting Until You're Older Jungle Girl Butane 2018 Jun 02
No Effects Whatsoever Alexander Shulgin Cocaine - Freebase 2018 Jun 02
At 1:45 There Is a Sure Threshold Alexander Shulgin Nutmeg 2018 Jun 02
Brown Sugar LexLuvsL MDMA or Suspect MDMA 2018 Jun 02
Burned Like a Steering Wheel on a Hot Day XanaxSmoker Alprazolam (Xanax) 2018 Jun 02
England's First Long Dance psilly Cacti - columnar & Music 2018 Jun 02
We Were Both Excited at First JollyJ Morning Glory 2018 Jun 02

NOTE: There are 1 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
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