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Reports from May 21 2019 - May 21 2019
All Reports
(11 Total)

The Garden Revolution Kibble LSD 2019 May 21
Going Down the Rabbit Hole... Herald of Chaos Ketamine 2019 May 21
Ultimate Positivity Squidge 4-AcO-DMT 2019 May 21
The Worst Yet Best Trip Puerto Rican Shrooms Mushrooms 2019 May 21
Just a Gentle Rolly Feeling Noir 6-APB 2019 May 21
Sort of Interesting but Not Life Changing Violetcry Phenibut 2019 May 21
Astral Projection after Cellular Meditation xanneomariex Meditation 2019 May 21
Ahhhh-Weeeee TechnoTrip Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2019 May 21
Forgot to Turn and Got Lost Penguin Mushrooms 2019 May 21
All I Can Really Say Is 'Wow' chelsea Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2019 May 21
Uforic Undulance Jazzyjeff MDMA 2019 May 21

NOTE: There are 1 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

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TERMS OF USE: By accessing this page, you agree not to download, analyze, distill, reuse, digest, or feed into any AI-type system the report data without first contacting Erowid Center and receiving written permission.

Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid Center.

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