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Reports from Jul 22 2018 - Jul 22 2018
All Reports
(13 Total)

Improved Learning Benefits See Chao Vasopressin 2018 Jul 22
Hypersensitive Pieter Cannabis 2018 Jul 22
The Spiral Down anonymous Ketamine 2018 Jul 22
Amazing but Unpleasant pharmer Ketamine 2018 Jul 22
Ride That Tram to the Abyss and Black Garywills7 Tramadol, Methadone, Heroin, Clonazepam & Naloxone 2018 Jul 22
A Weekend Pleasure tramlam O-Desmethyltramadol 2018 Jul 22
Gone Fishing wavygravy LSD 2018 Jul 22
Lucy Is My Ally, My Teacher, My Lover TheMadMarchHare LSD 2018 Jul 22
Not What I Expected Insanekid08 Nutmeg 2018 Jul 22
The Most Amazing Phenomenon I'd Ever Experienced jawman MDMA & Ketamine 2018 Jul 22
I Was in a Dimension of My Own Dazzyboi (UK) MDMA & Ketamine 2018 Jul 22
Comfort Until the Auditory Hallucinations Scotty Tramadol 2018 Jul 22
Bouncing Vision Anon Tramadol 2018 Jul 22

NOTE: There are 2 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

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Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid Center.

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