Author |
Title |
JournalName |
Year D |
Click on Column Headers to Re-Sort The Current List |
Stoll WA |
Lysergsäure-diäthylamid, ein Phantastikum aus der Mutterkorngruppe |
Schweiz Arch Neurol ... |
1947 |
Condrau G |
Klinische Erfahrungen an Geisteskranken mit Lysergsäure-diäthylamid |
Acta psychiat. et ne... |
1949 |
Becker AM |
Zur Psychopathologie der Lysergsäureddiäthylamid-Wirkung |
Wien. Z. Nervenhk. &... |
1949 |
Stoll WA |
Ein neues, in sehr kleinen Mengen wirksames Phantastikum |
Schweiz. Arch. Neur. |
1949 |
Rostafinski M |
O omamach doswiadczalnych u chorych na padaczke |
Roczn. psychjatr. |
1950 |
Benedetti G |
Beispiel einer strukturanalytischen und pharmakodynamischen Untersuchu... |
Z. Psychother. |
1951 |
Witt PN |
d-Lysergsäure-diäthylamid (LSD 25) im Spinnentest |
Experientia |
1951 |
Fischer R, Georgi F, Webe... |
Psychophysische Korrelationen. VIII. Modellversuche zum Schizophrenieo... |
Schweiz. med. Wschr. |
1951 |
De Giacomo U |
Les catatonies toxiques expérimentales |
Acta neurol. |
1951 |
Buscaino GA |
Studio quantitativo dello spettro di fluore scenza della diaetilamide ... |
Ric. sci. |
1951 |
Alemà G |
Allucinazioni da acido lisergico in cieco senza bulbi oculari |
Riv. Neur. |
1952 |
Belsanti R |
Modificazioni neuro-psico-biochimiche indotte dalla dietilamide dell'a... |
Acta neurol. |
1952 |
Savage C |
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25). A clinical-psychological study. |
Amer. J. Psychiat. |
1952 |
Frederking W |
Ueber die Verwendung von Rauschdrogen (meskalin und Lysergsaurediathyl... |
Psyche |
1953 |
Arnold OH, Hoff H |
Untersuchungen über die Wirkungsweise von Lysergsäurediäthylamide (1. ... |
Wien. Ztschr. Nerven... |
1953 |
Gastaut H, Ferrer S, Cast... |
Action de la diéthylamide de l'acide d-lysergique (LSD 25) sur les fon... |
Confinia Neurol. |
1953 |
Liddell DW, Weil-Malherbe... |
The effects of methedrine and of lysergic acid diethylamide on mental ... |
J. Neurol. |
1953 |
Bradley PB, Elkes C, Elke... |
On some effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (L.S.D. 25) in normal vo... |
J. Physiol. |
1953 |
Mayer-Gross W, McAdam W, ... |
Further observations on the effects of lysergic acid diethylamide. |
j. Ment. Sc. |
1953 |
Hoff H, Arnold OH |
Die Therapie der Schizophrenie |
Wien. klin. Wehnschr... |
1954 |
Sandison RA, Spencer AM, ... |
The therapeutic value of lysergic acid diethylamide in mental illness |
J. Ment. Sci. |
1954 |
Delay J, Pichot P, Laine ... |
Les modifications de la personnalité produites par la diéthylamide de ... |
Ann. med. psychol. |
1954 |
Anderson EW, Rawnsley K |
Clinical studies of lysergic acid diethylamide |
Mschr. Psychiatr. |
1954 |
Fischer R |
Factors involved in drug-produced model psychoses. |
J. Ment. Sci. |
1954 |
Abramson HA, Evans LT |
Lysergic Acid diethylamide (LSD 25): II. Psychobiological effects on t... |
Science |
1954 |
Gamna G, Bonfante B, Vill... |
Autoexperienze con LSD |
Rassegna di studi ps... |
1954 |
Abramson HA, Jarvik ME, K... |
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): I. Physiological and perceptual r... |
J. Psychol. |
1955 |
Hoagland H, Rinkel M, Hyd... |
Adrenocortical function and urinary phosphate excretion. Comparison i... |
Arch. Neurol. & Psyc... |
1955 |
Abramson HA |
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25): III. As an adjunct to psychothera... |
J. Psychol. |
1955 |
Jarvik ME, Abramson HA, H... |
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): IV. Effect on attention and conce... |
J. Psychol. |
1955 |
Boyd ES, Rothlin E, Bonne... |
Preliminary studies on the metabolism of lysergic acid diethylamide. |
J. Pharmacol. & Expe... |
1955 |
Hance AJ, Bradley PB |
The effects of intraventricular injections of drugs on the electrical ... |
Twentieth Internatio... |
1956 |
Haley TJ, Dasgupta SR |
Intracerebral injection of lysergic acid diethylamide in conscious dog... |
Univ. of California,... |
1956 |
Lingjaerde P, Skaug OE |
A study of the uptake of radioactive phosphorus in the brain, endocrin... |
J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. |
1956 |
Mendes JF |
Nota prévia sobre o emprego do LSD 25 na producão de psicoses experime... |
Med. contemp. |
1956 |
Lienert GA |
Pharmakopsychologische Untersuchungen über den Abbau der geistigen Lei... |
Verlag fur Psycholog... |
1956 |
Giberti F, Boeri G |
Studio farmacopsichiatrico di un caso di nevrosi fobicoansiosa |
Sistema nerv. |
1957 |
Balestrieri A, Fontanari ... |
Psicopatologia della crisi epilettica e LSD 25 |
Rass. neurol. vegeta... |
1957 |
von Mering O, Morimoto K,... |
Experimentally induced depersonalization |
Experimental psychop... |
1957 |
Dimascio A, Greenblatt M,... |
A study of the effects of LSD: Physiologic and psychological changes a... |
Am. J. Psychiatr. |
1957 |
Widlocher D, Nakajima H, ... |
Action des monoéthylamide (LAE) et diéthylamide (LSD) de l'acide lyser... |
Compt. rend. Soc. bi... |
1957 |
Pierre R |
Effets sur l'EEG du lapin d'une intoxication chronique ou aiguë par la... |
Compt. rend. Soc. Bi... |
1957 |
Dimascio A, Suter E, Hyde... |
Physiological effects of LSD: report of a detailed investigation in o... |
Psychiatr. Quart. |
1957 |
Jarvik ME |
Effect of LSD-25 on snails. (Neuropharmacology. Transacitons of the ... |
Josiah Macy Foundati... |
1957 |
Clark LD, Bliss EL |
Psychopharmacological studies of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD 25) i... |
Arch. Neurol. Psychi... |
1957 |
De Alvarez do Toledo LG, ... |
Psicoanálisis y dietilamida del ácido lisérgico (LSD-25). Fundamentos... |
1957 |
Monroe RR, Heath RG, Mick... |
Correlation of rhinencephalic electrograms with behavior. A study on ... |
EEG & Clin. Neurophy... |
1957 |
Carlson VR |
Individual pupillary reactions to certain centrally acting drugs in ma... |
J. Pharmacol. & Expe... |
1957 |
Slater PE, Morimoto K, Hy... |
The effects of group administration upon symptom formation under LSD. |
J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis... |
1957 |
Broghammer H, Takagi K, S... |
Die Wirkung von Lysergäure-Diäthylamid (LSD) und Urethan auf die Tätig... |
Arch. exper. Path. P... |
1957 |
Pierre R |
Influence de la sérotonine, de dérivés de la phénothiazine, de stéroid... |
Compt. rend. Soc. bi... |
1957 |
Eichenberger E, Friolet B |
Pharmakologische Beeinflussung des Pyrogen- und LSD-Fiebers des Kaninc... |
Helvet. physiol. et ... |
1957 |
Zaguirre JC |
Behavioral reactions to illusionogenic substances.(Studies on artifici... |
Philippine Fed. Priv... |
1957 |
Day J |
The role and reaction of the psychiatrist in LSD therapy |
J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis... |
1957 |
Abramson HA |
Verbatim recording and transference studies with lysergic acid diethyl... |
J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis... |
1957 |
Sailer S, Stumpf C |
Reserpinwirkung auf das Kininchen-ECG |
Arch. exper. Path. P... |
1957 |
Rey JC |
Psicósis lisérgica. (LSD psychosis) |
Rev. psiquiatr. |
1957 |
Martin AJ |
LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide ) treatment of chronic psychoneurotic ... |
Internat. J. Social ... |
1957 |
Yamada T, Tsunoda T, Taka... |
Accentuation of LSD 25 effect through antihistaminica. |
Fol. psychiat. Jap. |
1957 |
Cahn J, Herold M, Dubrasq... |
Contribution à un concept biochimique des psychoses expérimentales. I... |
Compt. rend. Soc. bi... |
1957 |
Callieri B, Mariani E |
The effects of mono- and diethylamide of lysergic acid on the activity... |
Psychotropic drugs |
1957 |
Bente D, Itil T |
Vergleichende klinisch-elektroencephalographische Untersuchungen mit P... |
Psychotropic drugs |
1957 |
Balestrieri A |
Crossed tolerance between LSD-25 and mescaline |
Psychotropic drugs |
1957 |
Balestrieri A |
"Amphetamine shock" during LSD-25 and mesclaine psychosis |
Psychotropic drugs |
1957 |
Benda P, Miravet LF |
Action de la chlorpromazine et de la réserpine sur la sensibilité du c... |
Compt. rend. Soc. de... |
1957 |
Irányi J, Fráter R |
Adatok a kísérletes lysergsav-diathylamid psychosis tünettánahoz. (Ang... |
Ideggyógyászati Szem... |
1957 |
Irányi J, Fráter R |
Lysergsavas diaethylamiddal (LSD) kiváltott kísérletes psychosisok. (E... |
Orv. hétil. |
1957 |
Lienert GA |
Ueber eigenartige Motivationsvorg�nge unter Wirkung von Lysergsäure-... |
Verlag für Psycho... |
1958 |
Weidmann H, Cerletti A |
Weiterer Beitrag zur Pharmakologie von D-Lysergsäure-diäthylamid: Die... |
Helvet. physiol. et ... |
1958 |
Roubícek J |
Similarities and differences between schizophrenia and experimental ps... |
Rev. Czechoslov. Med... |
1958 |
Berenstein I, Otero T |
Algunos efectos de la LSD 25 en el perro. |
Acta neuropsiquiatr.... |
1958 |
Cerletti A |
Biochemie, Physiologie und Pharmakologie des 5-Hydroxytryptamins (Sero... |
Helv. med. Acta |
1958 |
Hornykiewicz O, Obenaus H |
Beeinflussung der blutdrucksenkenden Wirkung von Dopamin und Adrenalin... |
Wien. klin. Wschr. |
1958 |
Monnier M, Tissot R |
L'action de la réserpine-sérotonine sur le cerveau; suppression par le... |
Schweiz. Arch. Neur... |
1958 |
Smith CM |
A new adjunct to the treatment of alcoholism: The hallucinogenic drug... |
Quart. J. Alcohol |
1958 |
Costa E, Zetler G |
Effect of epinephrine on adrenal ascorbic acid following premedication... |
Proc. Soc. Exper. Bi... |
1958 |
Benassi F |
Esperienze cliniche sulle attività farmacodinamiche di un antimetaboli... |
Riv. sper. freniatr. |
1958 |
Brengelmann JC, Laverty S... |
Differential effects of lysergic acid and sodium amytal on immediate m... |
J. Ment. Sc. |
1958 |
Melander B, Martens S |
The mode of action of taraxein and LSD. |
Dis. Nerv. Syst. |
1958 |
Kment A, Leibetseder J |
Verhaltensphysiologische Studien an Ratten nach Lysergsäure-Diäthylami... |
Zbl. Veterinärmed... |
1958 |
Silverstein AB, Klee GD |
Effect of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD 25) on intellectual function... |
Arch. Neurol. & Psyc... |
1958 |
Geiger LE, Cervoni P |
Effect of d-lysergic acid diethylamide on spinal reflexes. |
Proc. Soc. Exper. Bi... |
1958 |
Silverstein AB, Klee GD |
A psychopharmacological test of the "body image" hypothesis. |
J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis... |
1958 |
Leuner |
Ueber Modellpsychosen. (8. Lindauer Psychotherapiewoche, Mai 1958) | |
1958 |
Ostfeld AM, Visotsky HM, ... |
A comparison of the psychotomimetic effects of scopolamine, lysergic a... |
Clin. Res. |
1958 |
Söderberg U |
Short term reactions in the thyroid gland revealed by continuous measu... |
Acta physiol.Scandin... |
1958 |
Horácková E, Mosinger B, ... |
Císelny ctverec pri sledování koncentrace pozornosti v experimentální ... |
Csl.psychiatr. |
1958 |
Arnold OH, Hofmann G, Leu... |
Untersuchungen zum Schizophrenieproblem. IV.Mitteilung: Die Verteilu... |
Wien.Ztschr.Nervenhk... |
1958 |
Hoffman RA |
Effect of LSD-25 on body temperature of pigeons. |
Am.J.Physiol. |
1958 |
Eisner BG, Cohen S |
Psychotherapy with lysergic acid diethylamide |
J Nerv Ment Dis |
1958 |
Hofmann A |
Lysergic acid diethylamide and related compounds. Relationship betwee... |
Chemical concepts of... |
1958 |
Delay J, Benda P |
L'expérience lysergique. LSD-25. A propos de 75 observations cliniqu... |
Encéphale, Paris |
1958 |
Carlson VR |
Effect of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) on the absolute visual t... |
J. comp. physiol. Ps... |
1958 |
Winkel K |
Ueber die Wirkung von Lysergsäurediäthylamid auf fokale Krampfpotentia... |
Pflügers Arch.Phy... |
1958 |
Key BJ, Bradley PB |
Effect of drugs on conditioning and habituation to arousal stimuli in ... |
Nature |
1958 |
Rinkel M |
The psychological aspects of the LSD psychosis. |
Chemical concepts of... |
1958 |
Birkmayer W, Neumayer E |
Der klinische Aspekt des reticulären Systems. |
Mehrdimensionale Dia... |
1958 |
Brengelmann JC |
Effects of LSD-25 on tests of personality. |
J.Ment.Sci. |
1958 |
Brengelmann JC, Pare CMB,... |
Alleviation of the psychological effects of LSD in man by 5-hydroxytry... |
J.Ment.Sc. |
1958 |
Ruiz C |
Las psicosis experimentales. Estudio comparativo entre las del LSD-25... |
Frontis |
1958 |