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Erowid Search Results for: datura (new 2022 march 29)

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Datura Vault
Information about Datura including basics, effects, dosage, history, legal status, photos, research, media coverage, and links to other resources.
Datura Vault : Journal Article #1
'The Use of Hyoscyamine as a Hallucinogen and Intoxicant', by Martin H. Keeler, MD; Francis J. Kane Jr, MD
Datura Vault : Effects
Information about the mental and physical effects of Datura.
Datura Vaults : Info #6 on Anticholinergenic deliriants
'Anticholinergenic deliriants' an excerpt from Psychedelic Drugs Reconsidered
Datura Vault : Info #4 on Identification
Identification of Datura, Beladonna, Brugmansia, and Brunfelgia varieties.
Datura Vaults : Info #1 on Belladonna-like Substances
'Belladonna-like Substances' an excerpt from Psychedelics Encyclopedia by Peter Stafford.
Datura Vault : Dosage
Information on dosages for Solanaceae family plants including Datura, Belladonna, Brugmansia and Brunfelsia.
Datura Vaults : Info #3 on the Solanaceae Family
Identifying the difference between Datura, Belladonna, Brugmansia and Brunfelsia?
Datura Vaults : Images
Photographs and drawings of Datura species
Datura Vault : Journal Articles & Abstracts
Journal articles and abstracts on datura and related topics.
Datura Vault : Chemistry
Information and images about the chemistry of Datura.
Datura Vault : Timeline
A timeline of events in the history of Datura
Datura Vault: Basics
A summary of basic information about Datura and its use.
Datura Vaults : Datura FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions about Datura
Datura Vaults : Info #2 on Datura in Magic and Medicine
'Datura in Magic and Medicine' an excerpt from Psychedelic Drugs Reconsidered
Datura Vault : Bits & Pieces
Bits & Pieces of miscellaneous info about Datura.
Datura Vaults : Datura stramonium
Information and images of Datura stramonium.
Datura Vault : Misc Notes
Miscellaneous notes on Datura
Datura Vaults : Info #9 on the Solanaceae Family
Magical, Shamanic and Curative Uses for Datura
Datura Vault : Misc Info
Miscellaneous notes on Datura stramonium
Datura Vaults : Datura inoxia
Information and images of Datura inoxia
Datura Vaults : Jimson Weed Poisoning
'Jimson Weed (Datura stramonium) Poisoning', Clinical Toxicology Review Dec 1995.
Datura Vaults : Datura fastuosa
Information and images of Datura metel
Datura Vaults : Tropane Alkaloids and Phantom Smoking
'Tropane Alkaloids and Phantom Smoking', by Erowid.
Datura Vault : Health
Information on health affects and concerns related to Datura, Jimson Weed.
Datura Vault : Legal Status
Information on the legal status of Datura.

Displaying Results 1 to 26 of 26