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Erowid Search Results for: Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (new 2022 march 29)

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Displaying Results 2011 to 2040 of 5181

Experience Vaults: Oxycodone (with Acetaminophen) - Not Positive For Morphine - 65628
An experience with Oxycodone (with Acetaminophen). 'Not Positive For Morphine' by squrL
Experience Vaults: Modafinil - I Feel Like Me for the First Time in Years - 63228
An experience with Modafinil. 'I Feel Like Me for the First Time in Years' by Anonymous
Erowid Reference 7177 : A rapid method for assessing drug inhibition of feeding behavior : ROSZKOWSKI AP, KELLEY NM
The Index page for the reference article: ROSZKOWSKI AP, KELLEY NM A rapid method for assessing drug inhibition of feeding behavior J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1963 140:367-74
Experience Vaults: Mushrooms & Valerian - Cure for Bad Trips? - 38576
An experience with Mushrooms & Valerian. 'Cure for Bad Trips?' by Spiritual quester
Experience Vaults: DXM & Drug Testing - Causing False Positive for PCP - 82821
An experience with DXM & Drug Testing. 'Causing False Positive for PCP' by Jason
Experience Vaults: DXM (with CPM) & Drug Testing - DXM Positive for Amphetamine on Test-Stik? - 16085
An experience with DXM (with CPM) & Drug Testing. 'DXM Positive for Amphetamine on Test-Stik?' by Anonymous
Ken Kesey Vault : Interview with Ken Kesey
One Crying in the Wilderness, an excerpt from an interview with Ken Kesey
Online Books : "Ayahuasca: alkaloids, plants, and analogs" by Keeper of the Trout
Ayahuasca: alkaloids, plants & analogs by Keeper of the Trout (full text) title page
Nicotine Vault : Nicotine Material Safety Data Sheet: F2123 Chem Service
A Material Safety Data Sheet for Nicotine, from Chem Service.
Cocaime Vault : Article #12
AP Newswire : Acupuncture effective treatment for cocaine addiction
Cocaine Vault : Article #8
Immunotherapy for Cocaine Addiction - Scientific American, Feb 1997
GHB Vault : Media #7
Ingredients for Potentially Lethal Do-It-Yourself Party Drug, New Times 1999
Experience Vaults: Alprazolam (Xanax), Zolpidem (Ambien) & Police - Big Mouths Make for Bad Trips - 56456
An experience with Alprazolam (Xanax), Zolpidem (Ambien) & Police. 'Big Mouths Make for Bad Trips' by Maggot Brain
Experience Vaults: Venlafaxine & Buspirone - Tested Positive for PCP - 67173
An experience with Venlafaxine & Buspirone. 'Tested Positive for PCP' by Tynes
Psychoactive Vaults : Term Definitions
Library/Bookstore : 'Visionary Vine'
'Visionary Vine: Hallucinogenic Healing in the Peruvian Amazon' by Marlene Dobkin de Rios
Entheogen Vaults : Entheogen Introduction
A myriad of information on entheogens and psychedelics including research, legislation, media coverage, bibliographies and lots of links.
Stolaroff Collection : Andrew Weil's 1963 Report on Harvard's Firing of Richard Alpert
'Andrew Weil's 1963 Report on Harvard's Firing of Richard Alpert', by Jon Hanna.
References for the synthesis of gamma-butyrolactone from 1,4-butanediol (BDO) - []
Experience Vaults: AMT, Cannabis & Alcohol - No Need For Heroic Doses - 20641
An experience with AMT, Cannabis & Alcohol. 'No Need For Heroic Doses' by Usual25
Experience Vaults: Dimenhydrinate - Gravol For All! - 18259
An experience with Dimenhydrinate. 'Gravol For All!' by Zolton-Wax Receiver
Experience Vaults: Nitrous Oxide & Cannabis - Nitrous Usage for Life Enhancement - 2970
An experience with Nitrous Oxide & Cannabis. 'Nitrous Usage for Life Enhancement' by weasel
Vendor Vaults : Vendor Complaints
Complaints received by Erowid about specific ethnobotanical vendors.
Experience Vaults: Cacti - T. pachanoi - Testing Positive for Amphetamines - 66463
An experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi. 'Testing Positive for Amphetamines' by BOOMERHIPPY

Displaying Results 2011 to 2040 of 5181