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Reports from Jun 10 2018 - Jun 10 2018
All Reports
(21 Total)

Down for the Count Kalookakoo Amanita muscaria 2018 Jun 10
Full Blown Enlightenment notSoStandard DMT 2018 Jun 10
The River of Eyes selfassuredfrequency 2C-E 2018 Jun 10
2C-Excellent - Ridding My Social Anxiety TwoSeeEye 2C-E 2018 Jun 10
Humorous Relaxation cechmangoal Blue Lotus & Alcohol 2018 Jun 10
Delusions of Grandeur Ryan J LSD 2018 Jun 10
A Journey Into Conciousness Xetxuna 2C-I 2018 Jun 10
Awesome Night in a Turbulent Time CentralFLTripper 4-AcO-DMT 2018 Jun 10
Absolute Madness N-bromo-succimide 2C-B, LSD & MDMA 2018 Jun 10
A White-Hot Poker Up the Nose skeeter 2C-E & Nitrous Oxide 2018 Jun 10
Journey Into My Soul Parker 2C-E 2018 Jun 10
Anxious Disappointment Ray 2C-E 2018 Jun 10
A Magical World Michael Hains 2C-E 2018 Jun 10
The Unexpected Turn The Voyager LSD 2018 Jun 10
The Next Morning I Was Still Tripping BlueSunshine 2C-I 2018 Jun 10
Trippin Hard Brandon 2C-I 2018 Jun 10
Accidental Party With Ancient and Modern Gods ThingsFallApart 4-AcO-DMT & Alcohol 2018 Jun 10
SpiritualPersonal Growth Experience Tommy 4-Aco-DMT 2018 Jun 10
A Trip to Remember..... RW 2C-E 2018 Jun 10
Afternoon Trip locopantalones 2C-E 2018 Jun 10
Wormed Around All Night orcninu 2C-E 2018 Jun 10

NOTE: There are 2 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

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TERMS OF USE: By accessing this page, you agree not to download, analyze, distill, reuse, digest, or feed into any AI-type system the report data without first contacting Erowid Center and receiving written permission.

Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid Center.

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